(堪培拉). It is a small city. The population is only around 400,000. It was made to be the capital. Both... cities. But they are not the capital. The capital city is called Canberra (堪培拉). It is a small city ……
据悉,日前于堪培拉举办的“澳洲2020峰会”提出了每个澳大利亚学生在12年内学习一门外语的构想。该构想得到澳大利亚外交部长斯蒂芬史密斯的支持。他认为,无论中文、印度尼西亚语还是欧洲各国语言,广泛的外语学习都有助于学生提高学习能力,同时还能促进澳大利亚与国际社会的接轨和融合。据悉,包括政界领袖、学术界人士、体育和艺文界在内的近千名精英人士参加了“澳洲2020峰会”,一同探讨澳洲的未来愿景。 ……
睡衣日Hello! I’m Linda Di. I’m 10 years old. I’m a fifth grader at a primary school in Canberra (堪培拉) in Australia. My hobbies are reading and writing. I like to write stories about Australia and share ……
教学与研究出版社与澳大利亚国家教育开发署共同主办(主办方对该项目保留最终解释权)。“奇妙一冬——我在澳洲过春节”英语浸泡冬令营具体内容包括:*三大城市游览:行程覆盖澳洲教育中心——墨尔本、政治中心——堪培拉、经济文化中心——悉尼。*进驻高等学府:参观...的圣玛丽大教堂以及英国风情的岩石区,留下难忘的瞬间。 悉尼 酒店 国内航班 汽车 第十一天 乘车前往澳大利亚首都——堪培拉,参观展览馆,了解堪培拉如何从荒芜人烟之地变成一个现代化都市的过程;参观库克船长纪念碑和喷泉,途径国立图书馆,参观 ……
,000CapitalCanberra (堪培拉)LanguageEnglishChange with time随时间沉淀的红赭石色外墙The outside wall of the Australia ……
,000CapitalCanberra (堪培拉)LanguageEnglishChange with time随时间沉淀的红赭石色外墙The outside wall of the Australia ……
at a primary school in Canberra (堪培拉) in Australia. My hobbies are reading and writing. I like to write ……
in 1989. Its first meeting was in the Australian Capital,Canberra(堪培拉).Just 12 members took part ……
are in winters, Australians are in summers.2. Australia's capital isCanberra(堪培拉). Sydney is its largest city.3 ……
camp3. Some had swim lessons. Some traveled with their parents. Linda, 10, Canberra (堪培拉), Australia ……
their children to museums or to the beach to camp.Key factsName: AustraliaCapital: Canberra (堪培拉)Official ……
to Melbourne (墨尔本) and Canberra (堪培拉).At school, most of my classmates and teachers are Australians ……
. For example, Canberra (堪培拉) is the capital of Australia, but the largest city in Australia is Sydney ……
管理研究者 日程安排:考察堪培拉、悉尼、墨尔本等主要城市的基础教育制度;参观当地中小学校;参观悉尼大学等世界名校;签订姊妹校协议;澳、新文化考察。 费用:24,800元(免费提供签证咨询和培训;随团 ……
管理研究者 日程安排:考察堪培拉、悉尼、墨尔本等主要城市的基础教育制度;参观当地中小学校;参观悉尼大学等世界名校;签订姊妹校协议;澳、新文化考察。 费用:24,800元(免费提供签证咨询和培训;随团 ……