世界上最大的沙滩椅。LOOK at this deck chair (沙滩椅). It’s the world’s largest deck chair, about 8.5 meters tall and 5.5 meters wide. Scottish (苏格兰的) artist Stuart Murdoch made it last month. ……
should never meet. But this is not the case for a Scottish (苏格兰的) company. When making wine.... But this is not the case for a Scottish (苏格兰的) company. When making wine, there will be a lot of waste ……
巨大恐龙脚印惊现苏格兰FIFTEEN sets of footprints left by huge meat-eating dinosaurs (恐龙) 165 million years ago have been found on a tiny Scottish (苏格兰的) island. Each print shows three large toes which come ……
男人穿的裙子What clothes do Scottish (苏格兰的) men wear? Believe it or not, sometimes they wear a special dress. It’s called a kilt (苏格兰裙). It’s Scotland’s national dress. The tradition (传统) is over 500 years ……
词数 190 建议阅读时间 4分钟 ROBERT Burns was a great Scottish (苏格兰的) poet (诗人). He loved common people and wrote for them. Though he had little schooling, he was well read (博览群书) and talented. One day when ……
哀伤又悠扬的风笛至今仍是苏格兰的标志之一。 THE sound of thebagpipes(风笛) is as familiar to the Scottish as wearing akilt(苏格兰方格呢短裙) and climbing mountains. But the sad sound of the Scottish bagpipes will send ashiver(颤抖 ……
文化协会将通过其网站(www.britishcouncil.org.cn)全面介绍英国的教育、文化、艺术等领域的情况。首先登场的“苏格兰季”活动将持续3个月,英国文化协会网站将发布300篇内容详实、生动有趣的文章以及图片和录影剪辑资料,全方位地介绍和展示苏格兰的教育体制、文化与艺术等情况,以便于有意留学英国的人士进一步了解当地的语言、教育和文化现状。 ……
.The castle has a history of about 900 years. In the past, it was the home of Scottish (苏格兰的) kings...美丽的苏格兰In the north of Great Britain, there is a beautiful place called Scotland (苏格兰). It has ……
.---------------------------------------anniversary 周年纪念substantial 实质的, 真实的Gaelic 苏格兰的语言forge 铸造cornerstone 基础 ……
影片《勇敢的心》(Brave Heart )是一部悲壮的、融合血泪传奇的史诗片。影片描述了苏格兰的民族英雄华莱士(William Wallace)反抗英格兰的殖民统治的英勇事迹。在1996年第68届奥斯卡金像奖角逐中获得最佳影片、最佳导演等5项大奖。决战之前,华莱士向手下英勇的战士们发表演说,鼓励他们为自由而战:William Wallace: Fight and you may die ……
that is going to change.She lives in a house with her cat Pebbles in a tiny Scottish (苏格兰的) town. Because ……
影片《勇敢的心》(Brave Heart )是一部悲壮的、融合血泪传奇的史诗片。影片描述了苏格兰的民族英雄华莱士(William Wallace)反抗英格兰的殖民统治的英勇事迹。在1996年第68届奥斯卡金像奖角逐中获得最佳影片、最佳导演等5项大奖。由于叛徒的出卖,华莱士被捕并被处以极刑,在接下来的对话中,伊莎贝尔公主到监狱探望即将被处死的华莱士:Wallace:M’lady... what ……
词汇解析四级词汇curling 苏格兰的冰上掷石游戏 obstacle 障碍六级词汇arc 弧托福词汇bog 沼泽 marshland 湿地, 沼泽puck 冰球 ……
留学苏格兰的有趣见闻。 词数 330 建议阅读时间 5分钟WHEN I was in college, I spent a semester studying abroad at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland. In my brief time there, I came to love Scotland for its ……
--------------------------------------------banquet: 宴席barrier: 障碍mood: 情绪Cantonese: 粤语interracial: 不同种族间的Scottish: 苏格兰的 ……