for China to send a contestant (竞争者).Miss Russia, 24, won the champion. ……
中考词汇 competition n. 竞争,比赛用法:competition多指体育运动中的各项比赛、角逐,也指知识、技巧等方面的竞赛。Compete v. 竞争;competitor n. 竞争者,对手。He succeeded in getting the first prize in the competition.. ……
install v. 安装rival n. 竞争者HELPHELPHELPstir n. 轰动standard n. 标准lemon n. 柠檬install v. 安装rival n. 竞争者stir n. 轰动standard n. 标准lemon n. 柠檬install v. 安装rival n. 竞争者stir n. 轰动standard n. 标准lemon n. 柠檬install v ……
Dear editor,Recently, I was chosen as one of the two students by our school to compete in an English-speaking contest. However, I was beaten by one of my school’s “weak” rivals (竞争者). I feel ……
contender (竞争者) for the title of being the smallest dog on the planet. Born just three weeks ago ……
yuan) – but this was nothing compared with the cost swallowed by each one of the 12 contestants (竞争者 ……
range (范围) of topics in the show. Amazingly, Sun beat 10 competitors (竞争者), including one from ……
诸塞州副州长) from 1982 to 1987. He became a senator (参议员) in 1984. He was Bush's strongest competitor (竞争者... 1982 to 1987. He became a senator (参议员) in 1984. He was Bush's strongest competitor (竞争者) this year ……
在这里做名词,意思是"最有希望获胜的竞争者",be favorite to 是一个比较地道的表达方式,常用于报道体育赛事或娱乐选秀等,意为"是 (夺冠或获得某荣誉的) 最热门人选"。Kaka ……
时隔两年收获了第二座奖杯。2011-12赛季梅西联赛进球数高达50粒,领先皇马球星C罗4个进球而捧杯。梅西也由此成为金球奖的最有力竞争者。 ……
Knowing I have a challenger who is really good pushes me a little further and hopefully to my full potential. (From “Ice queen shows heart ”, page 5)译文:一想到我背后那位强有力的竞争者,我就督促自己加紧训练,以期能挖掘自己所有的潜能。要点 ……
摘自: 本期酷句回放[21ST, 21世纪学生英文报·高中版]
earlier this year through the TV programme "Popstars".The show required contestants (竞争者) to sing ……
animals.---------------------------------------antelope: 藏羚羊contender: 竞争者crane: 仙鹤criteria: 标准 ……
.oust: 淘汰,把竞争者挤走This word has a bit harsher, tougher sound in English, compared with "eliminate ……
在这里做名词,意思是"最有希望获胜的竞争者",be favorite to 是一个比较地道的表达方式,常用于报道体育赛事或娱乐选秀等,意为"是 (夺冠或获得某荣誉的) 最热门人选"。Kaka ……