任天堂的新游戏让我们玩得汗如雨下! WHAT are these young people doing? They look very strange (奇怪....There is a new game called Nitendo (任天堂) Wii Fit. To play this game, you need a Wii console (控制器) and a balance ……
据悉,日本东京的中学最近正在尝试用任天堂的DS游戏机作为英语教育的最新工具。据路透社报道,任天堂的游戏机在几乎所有的学校是被禁止使用的,但在日本东京Joshi Gakuen学校的教室里,DS游戏机已经成为英语教育的最新工具。据了解,任天堂从今年年初开始,为配合学校新推出的系列课本,开发了DS英文软件,让学生通过游戏机学习英语。教师在教学中使用该软件,重点让学生进行词汇、发音等方面的学习。该校 ……
之森》) has continued to be one of the most popular games on Nintendo (任天堂). Now, the LEGO Group (乐高... (《动物之森》) has continued to be one of the most popular games on Nintendo (任天堂). Now, the LEGO ……
consoles:Nintendo's(任天堂) Wii and Microsoft's Xbox 360. ……
and difficult to find gift in America is the Nintendo Wii (任天堂Wii游戏机).A year after its launch, the small video ……
有了Wii就不用锻炼了吗?词数 160 建议阅读时间 4分钟YOU usually sit while playing video games, although more active ones are becoming popular. One active game is theNintendo Wii console(任天堂Wii手柄). (Wii is pronounced "we ……
等表示敬意或认可”。如同在街上碰到熟人点头致敬一样,nod在这里指的是“致敬、致谢”(acknowledge)。这位玩家无比怀念小时候放学回家玩的那种简单、老式的任天堂游戏机。对新出的高科技版本,这位玩家说:You lost me (as a potential customer). (我不会买的,任天堂你做不成我这笔生意啦!)傻人闪一边去Why does everything have to be dumbed ……
推出真人版电影,任天堂和索尼影视娱乐公司正在开发IP,希望将其打造成继《超级马力欧兄弟》之后又一全球卖座的大片。Live-action意为”真人的”, 通常是指由真人演的电影或电视剧。Real-life是指“现实生活中的”,强调非虚构的。热门游戏《塞尔达传说》即将推出真人版电影,任天堂和索尼影视娱乐公司正在开发IP,希望将其打造成继《超级马力欧兄弟》之后又一全球卖座的大片。 ……
《塞尔达传说》将拍真人大电影《塞尔达传说》将拍真人大电影Nintendo (任天堂) announced (宣布) on Nov 7 that a live-action Zelda movie is now in the works. But it is not yet known who will play the characters in the movie.Nintendo (任天堂 ……
以知道这是一个machine, 而且是用来play的,所以不难猜出它是个游戏机的名字。好了,谜底揭晓:Wii 是日本的Nintendo公司(任天堂) 于2006年推出的新一代电视游戏主机,因此 ……
USNintendo Wii(任天堂游戏机) into a Chinese electrical outlet.I know now that we can't plug foreign plugs ……
a Nintendo (任天堂) addict," the magazine reports.What makes the Wii so magical that it is able to entertain ……
我有这么多的爱好,每天的时间都不够用了!I AM a person with a lot of hobbies.I play on the computer and on my Nintendo Wii (任天堂Wii). My favorite computer games are war games, like Warhammer 40,000 (战锤40K). I build Lego ……
the Nintendo Wii (任天堂Wii) came out, people lined up in parking lots (停车场) in the middle of the night ……
任天堂Wii游戏机成为玩家新宠。词数 238 建议阅读时间 4分钟WHICH are the most popular video games of the last decade? Go to online retailer (销售商) Amazon.co.uk and the answer is pretty clear: the first 10 years of the 21st ……