田亮、郭晶晶出征跳水世界杯THE 13th Diving World Cup will be held from June 25 to 29 in Sevilla (赛维利亚), Spain.There are 15 members in the Chinese delegation (代表团), with Tian Liang and Guo Jingjing the top players ……
的,乐观的。借着参演《跑出一片天》的机会,田亮再一次回到了自己钟爱的体育事业中。在片中饰演乐观开朗的田径教练,帮助一个酷爱跑步的小男孩实现了梦想。 ……
以用petrified, stupefied 等。跳水王子入驻重庆杜莎夫人蜡像馆,亲手揭幕的瞬间却懵圈了。蜡像再现了田亮入水前的经典动作,倒挂、裸身再配上用力过度而略显狰狞的表情,这尊蜡像也确实很另类。21st ……
本期话题:前跳水世界冠军田亮将在电视剧《雷锋》中担任主角。你觉得田亮适合演雷锋吗?为什么?主持学校:吉林省长春市第四十五中学主持人:张人苏YES1 Xu Puqian: Tian Liang is someone people argue over. Some don’t like him because he once broke the rules of the national ……
life includes both laughter and tears!---------------------------------------下期讨论话题在2004年奥运会金牌榜下,田亮、刘翔、郭晶晶成为青春偶像。他们的明星效应也受到了影视娱乐公司的关注。香港英皇娱乐公司日前说服田亮,使之进军娱乐圈。你对年轻成功运动员进军娱乐产业有什么看法?联系电话:(010)64812126或者 ……
你支持田亮演雷锋吗?擂场:辽宁省大连开发区一中 指导教师:李霞YESWe don't care about his private life. We only care that he can play Lei Feng well in the TV drama.Pan Linyue: When we talk about actors and actresses ……
你支持田亮演雷锋吗?擂 场:江苏省溧水高级中学指导老师:胡凤玉We don't care about his private life. We only care about whether he can play Lei Feng well in the TV drama.YESChen Xiaoqin: Like Lei Feng, Tian Liang is a man with many ……
你支持田亮演雷锋吗?擂 场:江苏省溧水高级中学 辽宁省大连开发区一中指导老师:胡凤玉 李霞We don't care about his private life. We only care that he can play Lei Feng well in the TV drama.YESPan Linyue: When we talk about actors and actresses ……
Can sport and other jobs mix?2004年奥运会金牌得主田亮、刘翔、郭晶晶成为青春偶像.他们的明星效应也受到了影视娱乐公司的关注。你对年轻成功运动员进军娱乐产业有什么看法?本期版主:山东省曲阜师大附中指导教师:赵临Xu Yanan:Everyone has the right to choose his owncareer(事业). If they have ……