神奇打印机可以“打印”食物。WE know printers (打印机) print papers, but did you know that a new printer can print food?Scientists at Cornell University in New York made the food printer. People put raw material (未加工的 ……
神奇打印机可以“打印”食物。WE know printers (打印机) print papers, but did you know that a new printer can print food?Scientists at Cornell University in New York made the food printer. People put raw material (未加工的 ……
. And they are divided into four categories (类别): raw (未加工的), cooked, boiled, and the well-known bratwurst (fried ……
HAM and other processed (加工的) meats stirred up (引起) heated discussions last week as a report from the World Health Organization (WHO) said they could lead to cancer.Scientists from the WHO described ……
hotspicy(辣的) food. Before the event, we rented acart(手推车) and bought someraw(未加工的) food from ……
重点讲解高考词汇comforting /5kQmfEtIN/ adj. 安慰的It is comforting to know that I can rely on your help.raw /rC:/ adj. 天然的,未加工的She makes use of the people she meets as raw material for her fiction ……
-sodium foods such as snack foods, soy sauce, processed (加工的) foods and pickled (腌制的) vegetables. ……
of the British Crown Jewels.As one of the hardest natural materials in the universe, raw (未加工的) diamonds ……
of the British Crown Jewels.As one of the hardest natural materials in the universe, raw (未加工的) diamonds ……
(未加工的) materials to leftovers.Life cycle of milk1. Manufacturing (制造) fertilizer (化肥)Factories send ……
).In the 19th century, the British had colonies (殖民地) all over the world. They took away raw (未加工的) materials ……
depressionEAT processed (加工的) and fatty foods and you're risking depression (沮丧) in middle age. Go for fresh ……
will be to find a “diamond in the rough” (未经加工的钻石), a student who might not be a great test taker, but who has ……
so much pain, why is it so hard to stop? Because it's everywhere.Processed(加工的) food has lots ……
, a health expert, said that trans fat has been widely found in processed (加工的) food in China. Zhao ……