从事中学英语教学转眼已有二十余载,我这支蜡烛也燃烧了大半。我常想,虽然自己在教学理论和科研上都有待提高,但在这些年的教学过程中,我一直探索如何灵活调控课堂教法,激发学生对英语学习的兴趣。正所谓问渠哪得清如许,为有源头活水来。在教学中,我努力营造和谐的课堂氛围,通过灵活安排教学内容,将实用的知识教授给学生。一次,我发现教材中列举了诸多例句来区别兼类词like的动词性和介词性。为帮 ……
们这个具有应试教育传统的国家,教育改革从考试改革入手是有其道理的。但是仅仅简单地对考试形式进行改革,而缺乏系统的思考和设计,这将不能从源头上解决问题,也难以取得真正的成功。其次,任何教育改革都是一个系统工程。高考英语改革应该打组合拳,从源头找问题,然后尽可能地进行整体设计,尽量避免出现新的问题和风险。高考英语、中考英语需要改革,但是仅针对高考和中考进行改革也不能彻底解决问题。学生的日常评估、考试 ……
目前很多高中生在英语写作方面存在问题,要想提高学生的写作能力,教师必须对造成学生写作能力差的原因有所分析。一、解读现状,提出问题1. 重复低效带来的心理因素由于高中课业负担较重,一些学生只满足于完成作业,不从积累词汇、提高书面表达水平的高度来仔细斟酌,认真审题,作文质量就难以提高;教师除了布置作业,不对选材、组材、观点、体裁、结构和规范作系统讲解,学生就很容易吃老本或随意拼凑。2. 教法过旧带来的信息因素如果学生平时没有丰富的信息储备,遇到新鲜的话题就会言之无物,思路狭隘。教师如果死钻教材,套用过时的话题或材料来训练学生,易和现实脱节,不利于培养学生的创造性思维,更不利于其长足发展。3. ……
源头反腐At the fourth Clean Governance Work Conference on March 28, Premier Li Keqiang stressed... will continue to be cancelled, said China Daily. Source 即“源头”,既可以指“消息来源”,也可以指“事物根源”。在国务院第四次廉政工作会中,李克强总理用“源头防腐”重申了简政放权的重要性。 ……
,源头She has been a great source of strength to me.element n. 要素, 元素There's always an element of risk ……
摘自: 高考链接[21ST, 21世纪学生英文报·高三版]
、收入、情报等的)来源,(河流的)源头”,如:source of income (收入来源), source of the Nile (尼罗河的源头)。Source of strength表示“动力...,同义表达为take sb’s responsibility。本句翻译中,source作名词,意为“(消息、收入、情报等的)来源,(河流的)源头”,如:source of income (收入 ……
词,意为“(消息、收入、情报等的)来源,(河流的)源头”,如:source of income (收入来源), source of the Nile (尼罗河的源头)。Source of strength...’s responsibility,同义表达为take sb's responsibility。本句翻译中,source作名词,意为“(消息、收入、情报等的)来源,(河流的)源头”,如:source of income ……
三江源头春潮涌,生态保护正当时。 词数 392 建议阅读时间 5分钟High on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (高原) lies China’s “water tower” Sanjiangyuan – the source of three rivers. It is home to the headwaters (源头) of China’s three ……
. According to Chinese scientists, bats are likely to be the source (源头) of the new virus. In fact..., bats are likely to be the source (源头) of the new virus. In fact, bats carry many kinds of viruses ……
virus outbreak.According to Chinese scientists, bats are likely to be the source (源头) of the new virus... scientists, bats are likely to be the source (源头) of the new virus. In fact, bats carry many kinds ……
翻译中,source作名词,意为“(消息、收入、情报等的)来源,(河流的)源头”,如:source of income (收入来源), source of the Nile (尼罗河的源头)。Source...'s responsibility,同义表达为take sb's responsibility。本句翻译中,source作名词,意为“(消息、收入、情报等的)来源,(河流的)源头”,如:source ……
collect nectar (花蜜). During a talk about “the origins (源头) of life”, they learned a lot... close how honeybees collect nectar (花蜜). During a talk about “the origins (源头) of life&rdquo ……
in the West and East.QIANTU观书有感观书有感(宋·朱熹)(宋·朱熹)半亩方塘一鉴开,天光云影共徘徊。半亩方塘一鉴开,天光云影共徘徊。问渠那得清如许? 为有源头活水来。问渠那得清如许? 为有源头活水来。The BookThe Book(By Zhu Xi)(By Zhu Xi)There lies a glassy oblong pool,There lies ……
那得清如许? 为有源头活水来。问渠那得清如许? 为有源头活水来。The BookThe Book(By Zhu Xi)(By Zhu Xi)There lies a glassy oblong pool ……
(源头) safe. China hopes to have the biggest national park system (系统) in the world by 2035.To keep... is one of them. It keeps important river headwaters (源头) safe. China hopes to have the biggest national ……