married or travel by plane. Undocumented指“无身份的”,文中指“无户籍的人”(people without household registration)。“上户口”是 ……
for children in difficulty.人们常称的“两童”除了“困境儿童”还包括“留守儿童”left-behind children,常指因父母外出务工,留在户籍地或常住地单独与祖父母生活的儿童。 ……
在股民中流传。对此,股民中有人赞赏有人不满。专家认为,如此调侃国歌有损国歌的庄严。户籍思维:province-oriented thinking点评:“户籍思维”是以户籍作为评判人、区分人的依据的思维方式,如“打击某某户籍犯罪活动”的标语即属此类。因此不能将“户籍思维”直译为“household register thinking”,也不能译为“provincial thinking”,因为 ……
.household registry reform (residential system reform) 户籍改革19.sassy girl 野蛮女友20.scratch-and-win receipt ……
of sb,或者put a price on someone’s head。 户籍改革household registration reformMore than a dozen metropolitan... of rural migrant workers to services in the more prosperous cities.户籍叫做household registration,也可 ……
of more serious cases, while the office focuses on things like household registration (户籍登记).Wu... registration (户籍登记).Zhang: If I’m not very strong or brave, can I still become a police officer ……
Vocabulary流动人口floating population常驻人口permanent population户籍制度household registration system户口permanent residence permit户口所在地permanent residence社保基金social security fund社保"一卡通""all-in-one"card ……
through November 6.户籍制度 household registration systemTHE Communist Party of China unveiled its policy ……
觉得自己身上别着一个标签,凸显了他与其他人的不同之处——他没有当地户口或户籍。长难句分析 vFor tens of thousands of children like Yuan, getting ……
如今,英语能力正成为众多人才进入国内主要城市就业的一道门槛。4月11日,上海市公布了《2006年非上海生源应届普通高校毕业生进沪就业办理本市户籍受理办法》,明确规定: 申请办理上海市户籍的进沪就业非上海生源应届普通高校毕业生必须获得大学外语四级证书或四级考试成绩达到425分(含425分)以上(外语专业不作要求)。上海市并非国内首个为市外高校毕业生设立外语门槛的城市。据了解,深圳 ……
(户籍登记).Wu: The Sanlitun police station has three teams – a community team, a crime-fighting team... household registration (户籍登记).Zhang: If I’m not very strong or brave, can I still become a police ……
is heard.Under the household registration system (户籍制度), citizens are divided into two groups, urban ……
“stay cards” with residence certificates for people living outside of the registration areas (户籍 ……
, while the office focuses on the internal (内部的) and office work like household registration (户籍登记).Wu... the office focuses on the internal (内部的) and office work like household registration (户籍登记).   ……
指出,规范做好高校毕业生去向登记是落实取消就业报到证改革的新要求,是客观反映高校毕业生就业状况的基础工作,是毕业生办理户籍和档案转递接收的重要依据。教育部开通了全国高校毕业生毕业去向登记系统,提供毕业生去向信息自主登记、确认和查询核验功能。通知指出,规范做好高校毕业生去向登记是落实取消就业报到证改革的新要求,是客观反映高校毕业生就业状况的基础工作,是毕业生办理户籍和档案转递接收的重要依据。教育 ……