) of the envelope. 可以在信封中垫几层纸,以防割破信封正面。Put the banknote (钞票) into the envelope. 纸币要穿过缝隙,露出信封外一段。Cut the envelope with the scissors. 一定要避开纸币哟!It's show time首先,魔术师向观众展示一个信封和一张人民币。然后,魔术师把一张10元纸币当众塞进信封,然后用剪刀从信封中间的底边向上剪开。 ……
神奇的信封What you needA deck of cards (一副牌)An envelope3A pen A small piece of paperHow to playYou hold4... the envelope. There is a piece of paper inside. The paper says what the top card is. 在魔术表演前,你要先藏一张扑克牌在信封下。并且 ……
小信封里的长吸管What you need:A straw (吸管,最好准备有条纹的吸管)An envelopeScissorsHow to play:1.Show people the small... of the envelope. (用手压紧信封,防止吸管提前弹出。)4.When you perform (表演) this trick, put your two fingers into the envelope ……
剪不断的丝巾What you need:● an envelope (信封) ● silk (丝巾)● scissorsBefore the show:Make two cuts3 on the back of the envelope.How to play:1. Show the front (正面) of the envelope. Say: “This is an envelope ……
100029。请将问卷贴在信封背面,另附纸留下你的邮寄地址和电话,放进信封内。方式二:另附纸张,写上你的答案并邮寄到:北京市朝阳区惠新东街15号中国日报21世纪报小学版,邮编100029。请将问卷贴在信封背面,另附纸留下你的邮寄地址和电话,放进信封内。问卷收集截止日期:2021年6月30日问卷收集截止日期:2021年6月30日 ……
on the envelope (信封).When the daughter came back, the father asked her: “Didn’t you realize ……
前辈留下的“锦囊妙计”。A new manager spends a week with his predecessor (前任). On the last day, the predecessor gives him some advice. “Before I leave, here are three envelopes (信封) for you,” he said. “Open an ……
a thank-you note from a friend. I once helped the friend. In the envelope (信封) were five lottery ……
听前辈的“忠告”总不会错。词数 130 建议阅读时间 4分钟 A new manager spends a week with his predecessor (前任). On the last day, the predecessor gives him some advice. “Before I leave, here are three envelopes (信封) for you ……
forgot (忘记) to write his friend’s name and address on the envelope (信封).When his son came back, Sam ……
信封mailbox 邮筒receive a letter 收信send a letter 寄信 ……
《21世纪中学生英文报》 "初中版"邮编:100029信封上注明 "心情巧克力"。电子邮箱:junior@21stcentury.com.cn ……
100029。请在信封上注明"七嘴八舌"! ……
1. Correct answer: d)d) polling station: 投票站2. Correct answer: c)a) shallot: 葱d) bill: 账单c) ballot paper: 选票3. Correct answer: b)a) folder: 文件夹b) manifesto: 宣言,声明c) brochure: 宣传册d) envelope: 信封4 ……
later he put the key into an envelope (信封), wrote down his address on it and posted the letter.Another ……