during this devastating time."Devastating在这里是指“令人极度悲痛(震惊)的”, 如She broke down after hearing the devastating news that her brother has cancer. Devastated是形容人“悲痛欲绝的”。蒙蒂思突然离世,欢乐合唱团从此不再欢乐。 ……
, aheartbroken(悲痛欲绝的) man, went home to tell his wife Sophia that he had just lost his job, she ……
to me! What I’m feeling ... is biblical (悲痛欲绝的)! So you are done wasting my time. I have a killer... feeling ... is biblical (悲痛欲绝的)! So you are done wasting my time. I have a killer to catch and a friend ……