孔子学院总部揭牌仪式上周在京举行。国务委员、国家汉语国际推广领导小组组长、孔子学院总部理事会主席陈至立为孔子学院总部揭牌并致辞。按照《孔子学院章程》的规定,孔子学院总部是全球孔子学院的最高管理机构。其职责包括为各地孔子学院提供管理和教学人员以及教材课程等各种资源支持。目前,全球已设立孔子学院140多所,分布在50多个国家和地区。中国许多高校和机构参与了孔子学院的承办工作。各地孔子 ……
我国首家广播孔子学院日前在中国国际广播电台正式成立,国务委员、孔子学院总部理事会主席陈至立出席成立仪式,并为广播孔子学院揭牌。教育部副部长章新胜在揭牌仪式上表示,目前,在全球60多个国家和地区已建立了200多所孔子学院,初步满足了世界各国和各地区人民学习汉语的需求。据了解,广播孔子学院以广播孔子课堂、无线广播、在线广播等为载体,使用38种外语教授汉语。截至目前,依托 ……
5月31日,北京外国语大学孔子学院处成立大会暨孔子学院工作会议在外语教学与研究出版社举行。中国国家汉语国际推广领导小组办公室(国家汉办)主任许琳、美国、德国、意大利、奥地利等国的使馆官员以及北京外国语大学校长郝平等出席会议。国家汉办主任许琳表示,目前我国已经在全球54个国家和地区建立了156个孔子学院,北外是全国第一家成立孔子学院工作处的高校。21ST ……
近年来,全球各地方兴未艾的“汉语热”扑面而来,古老的儒家文化借此契机得以在全世界传扬。在这种大背景下,作为在世界范围内传承汉语教学与文化传播的载体,以圣人“孔子”为名、回归中华文化主流的孔子学院(Confucius Institute)应运而生。日前,新西兰教育部秘书长Karen Sewell访问了中国国家汉办。Sewell与国家汉办副主任赵国成就在新西兰建设孔子学院的进展等情况进行了交流。据了 ……
This is the largest book in the world. It is 3.8m wide and 3.5m tall. It collects (收集) thoughts (思想) of many famous people, like Confucius (孔子). It came out in Cuba (古巴) in 2010. ……
, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)(联合国教科文组织) will make the "Confucius(孔子) Award" once a year... Festival(孔子文化节) opened in his hometown of Qufu, Shangdong Province, for his 2555th birthday ……
首所孔子学院将落户汉城 THE firstConfucius College(孔子学院) will open on November 21 in Seoul, South Korea. It is to teach Chinese. About 100 million people in 100 countries are using and learning Chinese outside ……
世界上最大的书。This is the largest book in the world. It is 3.8m wide and 3.5m tall. It is a collection (收集) of thoughts (思想) from many famous people, like Confucius (孔子). It came out in Cuba (古巴) this year. ……
孔子“出国”了! "WHEREVER you go, go with all your heart (既来之,则安之。)." This quote from Confucius (孔子), who was born 2,560 years ago, is in the Oxford Dictionary of Quotations (引语) now. It will make Confucius ……
卡通版孔子萌萌的Who is this old man? He has a long white beard1. He is not Santa Claus. He is a cartoon version (版本) of Confucious (孔子). Confucious was a great Chinese educator (教育家). He lived more than 2 ……
9月15日,“对话孔子——百项文旅活动”启动仪式在济南府学文庙举行。本次活动包括节日主题、阅读竞赛、非遗体验、休闲娱乐四个版块,让民众近距离体验孔子文化的魅力。图为当日济南市民代表在启动仪式上齐诵国学经典。来源:视觉中国。9月15日,“对话孔子——百项 ……
摘自: 图观时事[21ST, 21世纪英语教育周刊]
孔子是个什么样的人?他为什么这么伟大?词数 170 建议阅读时间 5分钟"TAKE a walk with any three people and at least one of them will have something to teach you." Do you know who said that? It wasConfucius(孔子) – China's most famous ……
孔子动漫进万家,帮助我们学儒家。词数 190 建议阅读时间 5分钟 测试见7版 A CARTOON series called Confucius (《孔子》) is showing on CCTV-1, marking the 2,560th anniversary of Confucius’s birth. The show will help millions of teenagers ……
. Confucius (孔子) did well in all of them. What did students in ancient China learn? Did.... Confucius (孔子) did well in all of them. ……
教师节拟调整为孔子生日Teachers’ Day on Confucius’ supposed birthdayTeachers’ Day, which falls on Sept 10, will be moved to Sept 28, the supposed birthday of Confucius, says a draft *amendment to China ……