中文学习与英文学习相辅相成 二者并非对立关系
国内“全民学英语”热潮不减的同时,全球“汉语学习热”又席卷而来。上周,在美国乡村音乐之都——田纳西州首府纳什维尔举行的全美外语教学学会第四十届年会上,由中国国家汉语国际推广领导小组办公室(下称“国家汉办”)组成的中国代表团受到了美国外语教学界前所未有的关注。据悉,国家汉办已与美国外语教学学会就汉语推广达成了一系列合作意向。与此同时,汉语热不再是“墙里开花墙外香”。国内汉语热也逐渐升温,甚至 ……
词数 245 建议阅读时间 7分钟THE last two weeks have been unbelievable for NBA player Jeremy Lin. As of February 16, the 23-year-old has led the New York Knicks (纽约尼克斯队) to seven straight victories (连续的胜利). In the win over the Toronto Raptors (多伦多猛龙队), he surprised everyone by shooting a 3-pointer in the final half-second. ……
作为英国广播公司(BBC,. British. Broadcasting. Corporation)的经典英语教学节目,《跟我学》(Follow. ……
中国的月历新年,指的是农历新年,因为中国农历是根据月亮的运行计算而定的. 尽管国内大部分人已习惯称之为“春节”(Spring. ……
近日,一年一度的“国际母语日”纪念活动在北京语言大学隆重举行。该活动由联合国教科文组织于1999年发起,在每年的2月21日举办。本次活动的主题是“推广母语教育,弘扬多元文化”。正在全球掀起的汉语学习热潮成为热点话题。. ……
近年来,全球各地方兴未艾的“汉语热”扑面而来,古老的儒家文化借此契机得以在全世界传扬. 在这种大背景下,作为在世界范围内传承汉语教学与文化传播的载体,以圣人“孔子”为名、回归中华文化主流的孔子学院(Confucius. Institute)应运而生. 日前,新西兰教育部秘书长Karen. ……
北京奥运会刚刚圆满谢幕,2008残奥会便立即“燃起战火”. 自奥运会、残奥会相继开赛以来,中国特有的助威口号——“加油”在各个赛场此起彼伏、整齐划一且极富节奏感. 热情洋溢的中国观众一视同仁地为国内外运动员呐喊助威. “jiayou”“zhongguo”“zaijian”“Fuwa”(奥运会吉祥物“福娃”)“Fu. ……
sweep across席卷The cold front has swept across many parts of the southern China.冷空气的前锋席卷了中国南部的很多地域。 ……
AFPAFP反仇视亚裔浪潮席卷全美。反仇视亚裔浪潮席卷全美。A recent mass shooting in the US highlights the need for awareness and solidarity in the face of racism.A recent mass shooting in the US highlights the need ……
Taylor Swift ProductionsTaylor Swift Productions“霉霉”大电影席卷全球“霉霉”大电影席卷全球US superstar Taylor Swift achieved remarkable success in 2023 as her ‘Eras’ movie continues ……
张靓颖高校演唱会席卷十二座城市。SUPER girl Jane Zhang was just a girl-next-door. Now she’s a famous singer. The 26-year-old will be one of the stars of the MTV Campus Concert Tour (MTV校园巡回演唱会). It will hit 12 cities ……
of anger has been sweeping through Asia. 句意为:一股愤怒浪潮最近正席卷亚洲地区。Sweep through,“席卷,扫过”,例如:Rumors swept through ……
XINHUA 塑料垃圾危机席卷全球,人类急需“塑战速决”塑料垃圾危机席卷全球,人类急需“塑战速决”Plastic waste (塑料垃圾) was on a beach on Easter Island, Chile, on April 5. Easter Island hosted a meeting from April 3 to 5. It was about ……
秋天的时令食物让人食指大动!PAGES 4-5Crabs, lotus roots and pears make up the tasty, colorful menu for a healthy autumn. But you might need to learn some skills before cracking open a crab. Raging sun太阳风暴席卷 ……
5000只猴子席卷印度首都新德里。Monkeys have become a problem in New Delhi, the capital of India. They’ve been showing up everywhere in the city recently. They jump between buildings, run around on the streets ……