大约20年前,我拟策划一套有独特文字追求的翻译家谈论外国文学的丛书,这样的学者应该不多. 李文俊先生推荐我找张玲. 他说,张玲做过记者,写过很多优美的文章,在翻译上也卓有建树. 这是我和张玲先生第一次认识. ……
;因素开脱。在她的描写下,家乡约克郡哈沃斯成了一个“教育落后的偏远地区”,而妹妹们不过是头脑简单、天真无邪、经历匮乏的乡村姑娘,全然不知自己在小说中写了什么。曾经...顾了妹妹们过早的离世,为整篇辩护词奠定了感性的基调,试图博得读者的同情,并为她们笔下“不女性化的”因素开脱。在她的描写下,家乡约克郡哈沃斯成了一个“教育落后的 ……
《约翰生传》英文版出版于1791年,是英国文学史上最有名的传记作品. 它开创了现代传记的先河,至今依然被世界文学史铭记,很多外国文学专业的学生就是通过这本书接触到英国文学史上的传记类别的. ……
表情符号背后的故事Emojis are not just for fun. They also say a lot about the things that many of us feel and think about. ……
《登月第一人》背后的故事Despite being the first human to walk on the moon, US astronaut Neil Armstrong’s life has been mostly unknown to the public. Now a new movie reveals more about this great explorer. ……
XZ STUDIOXZ STUDIO锘肖战:“一夜成名”背后的故事锘肖战:“一夜成名”背后的故事PAGE 8PAGE 8Xiao Zhan’s popular TV show turned him from a nobody into a celebrity. What does the former graphic designer ……
是中国的科学技术创新,更是同舟共济、坚不可摧的中国力量。本期共同战“疫”第三期,一起了解中国速度背后的故事。数百座城市启动一级响应,数千名工人半月建成两所医院,数万名医务人员驰援武汉—— 世界说,这是“中国速度”。在中国速度的背后,不仅是中国的科学技术创新,更是同舟共济、坚不可摧的中国力量。本期共同战“疫”第三期,一起了解中国速度背后的故事。 ……
摘自: 共同战“疫”[TEENS, 21世纪学生英文报·小学生版]
长安街背后的故事。课件及教案见网站 测试见7版What’s the most famous street in your hometown?WHAT places do you want to visit in Beijing? Tian’anmen Square? The National Museum of China? Xidan? They’re all on the same ……
老北京城门背后的故事。词数 210 建议阅读时间 5分钟If you come to Beijing, you will notice that many places are named with men, such as Dongzhimen, Xizhimen, and many others. These men were important city gate towers (塔楼 ……
失败博物馆讲述成功背后的故事。Everyone fails (失败) from time to time. Many of us are afraid of failure and try to avoid it. But one man sees it differently. Samuel West from Sweden made his own Museum of Failure ……
Mailboxes have a long history in the UKMailboxes have a long history in the UK英国红色邮筒背后的故事英国红色邮筒背后的故事 VCGVCGKing Charles in the UK has his first mailbox (邮箱)! This mailbox has a special mark ……
流氓兔六岁啦。你知道这小家伙背后的故事吗?DON'T be fooled by his soft white appearance and his name that sounds like "marshmallow" (棉花糖). This is not the usual sweet little cartoon character. This rabbit with narrow eyes ……
走近梵高博物馆,探寻这位画家背后的故事。词数 286 建议阅读时间 4分钟 VINCENT Van Gogh's blue-eyed gaze (凝视) stares out from his self-portrait (自画像). The face on the postcards can be seen all over the tourist shops that line ……
足球金童梅西背后的故事。词数 303 建议阅读时间 4分钟THEY are never short of stars in the Spanish football league, but it is 20-year-old Lionel Messi who steals the show. With six goals in seven matches, the Barcelona ……
张峻宁分享成功背后的故事。词数 211 建议阅读时间 4分钟YOU may know him as the handsome manager (经理) in the popular TV drama Five Star Hotel. But Zhang Junning, 23, believes he has earned success through hard work and effort ……