会陪客人聊天的机器人调酒师。CARL is carrying (拿着) a glass of beer to people. He works at a bar (酒吧) in Germany. He does his job well. He can make different drinks for people. He can also talk with them. Can you ……
Germany会陪客人聊天的机器人调酒师。CARL is carrying (拿着) a glass of beer to people. He works at a bar (酒吧) in Germany. He does his job well. He can make different drinks for people. He can also talk with them. Can ……
(心血来潮) by adventurous bartenders (调酒师), the process of developing the mojito took more than a century...来潮) by adventurous bartenders (调酒师), the process of developing the mojito took more than a century ……
WU Junqi has long been linked to alcohol. Of course he's not adrunkard(醉鬼), he actually rarely has a drink. The 33-year-old is abartender(调酒师) in a pub named "Shock" in Beijing.Wu's "morning" starts ……
on a whim (心血来潮) by adventurous bartenders (调酒师), the process of developing the mojito took more... (心血来潮) by adventurous bartenders (调酒师), the process of developing the mojito took more than a century ……
.--------------------------bartender: 调酒师cocktail: 鸡尾酒density: 密度gloomy: 忧郁的taste buds: 味蕾vocational: 职业的 ……
如果你喜欢烹饪,将来可以考虑做一名厨师、面包师、调酒师或宴会组织者!What is this job like?CHEFS work in a variety of food service places, including restaurants, hotels and clubs. Depending on the size and type of the place, chefs ……
at illegal bars would mix it with other drinks. P8 (为了掩盖违禁酒品的味道,地下酒吧的调酒师们往往将它们与其它饮料混合在一起。)6. thorn: n ……
炎炎夏日的到来,酒吧生意日渐火爆,朦胧的灯光下,自然少不了深邃优雅的鸡尾酒的身影。鸡尾酒又被称之为“艺术之酒”,它是由一种基酒(base)加上其他辅料(flavorings)调配而成的混合饮料(mixed beverage)。它的做法考究,喝起来学问也不小。鸡尾酒的调酒师(mixologist)必须非常出色,能够对各种配料烂熟于胸。调酒的原料必须是一等品,现做现用。鸡尾 ……
28Sips: Cocktail reception featuring local artisans (技工) and mixologists (调酒师). Proceeds benefit D.C ……
“重读一遍康拉德就像是播放自己喜爱的CD。你细细聆听着,并非为了了解情节或者人物,而是为了欣赏它的遣词造句和抑扬顿挫——这才是其无可比拟的独特之处。”上面这段话再恰当不过地勾勒出了《阅读的至乐》的作者约翰凯里文学享乐主义者的面貌,不过,贪婪饕餮,这类享乐主义者惯常留给我们的印象,在他身上并未体现出来,他更像一个调酒师或美食家,浅尝辄止,风度翩翩。在每篇文章的最后,约翰 ……
: Cocktail reception featuring local artisans (技工) and mixologists (调酒师). Proceeds benefit D.C. Central ……