给外国观众。如今虽斯人已去,其丰硕的译作成果仍光芒熠熠。在老人离世即将三周年之际,让我们一道回首这位“奇才奇艺”的“多面手”的人生历程。京城出了个“毛三爷”1929年夏,英若诚降生于北京的一家名门大户。祖父...里兄弟姐妹中英若诚排行老三,又因小名为“小毛儿”,故自幼便得了个“毛三爷”的“大名”。由于母亲的家族里有一位专业演员,从小英若诚便耳濡目染,对戏剧积累了一些感性认识。就像 ……
英语中以-ista结尾的单词屈指可数. 在fashionista(时尚达人)一词出现之前仅有一个,即Sandinista. 这个于1928年进入英语的单词指的是尼加拉瓜桑地诺民族解放阵线的成员,通常被译作“桑地诺主义者”. 可见,西班牙语中的-ista就相当于英语中的后缀-ist(……主义者). ……
名人语录总能受到众人的关注,英国保守党领袖戴维卡梅伦(David. Cameron)曾在演讲中倡议人们去“拥抱胡迪”(huga. hoodie),一时间,hoodie变成了人们注目的焦点. 于6月4日发行的英国《柯林斯英语词典》(Collins. ……
1980年,英国著名导演托比罗伯森受邀来到北京人艺执导莎士比亚名剧《请君入瓮》,英若诚担任了剧本翻译兼副导演一职. 在尝试翻译了该剧之后,英若诚又于1983年将著名剧作家兼导演阿瑟米勒的《推销员之死》翻译成中文. 早在1978年6月,英若诚就曾作为中国文化艺术代表团的成员访问美国,并与美国戏剧家阿瑟米勒结识. 是年秋天,米勒回访,并与中国戏剧家进行更深入的交流. ……
A German theatre group plans to make its audiences experience arctic (北极 的) temperatures when they perform a play about an explorer who died of cold in Greenland 70 years ago."The Middle of the Ice ……
Polar bears (北极熊) use their left hands more than right hands. 北极熊都是左撇子。 ……
Do people in the Arctic (北极) need refrigerators? Yes! 北极的因纽特人用冰箱来防止食物结冰。 ……
神秘的北极,我即将揭开你的面纱。词数 279 建议阅读时间 6分钟I AM back home from the ten-day Selection (挑选) Camp in the Swiss Alps; now the preparation for the Magnetic North Pole Expedition (地磁北极探险) has begun. It is obvious ……
信不信由你The South Pole (南极) is colder than the North Pole (北极). ……
信不信由你Polar bears (北极熊) are good at using their left hands. ……
跟北极熊玩捉迷藏?危险!DO you like playing hide-and-seek? This man is playing with a polar bear (北极熊). The hungry bear is going after the man around a car in Alaska (阿拉斯加). It wants to eat him for lunch. Who ……
最年轻的北极探险者Alicia is a British (英国的) girl. She visited the North Pole (北极) in 1998 at the age of 8. She was the youngest (最年轻的) visitor to the North Pole. ……
“北极熊”穿越捷克街头。THE Arctic (北极) is really a beautiful place. We should try our best to protect it. On Oct 13, a member of an environmental (环保的) group *dressed up as a polar bear (北极熊) in Prague, Czech ……
It's me! 我叫地松鼠,天生爱睡觉。I sleep about 9 months each year. 我住在北极圈里。 ……
北极熊吹泡泡A POLAR bear is blowing (吹) a bubble. And he is doing it underwater! A doctor took the photo of the bear at a German zoo. Could you blow a bubble this big? ……