凯拉·奈特莉获得英国王室的嘉奖。Congratulations (恭喜) to Keira Knightley! The 33-year-old British actress won a big honor (荣誉) on Dec 13. She got an OBE (大英帝国官佐勋章) from the royal (王室) family for her services to drama ……
英国王室兄弟关系再度紧张PRINCE Edward has angered his eldest brother, royal heir (王位继承人) Prince Charles, again by asking him to take part in a television documentary (记录片) about his love life, according ……
去年9月,英国王储查尔斯向公众宣布,他将写一本书介绍英国王室成员的膳食喜好。日前,这本书名为《公爵原味食谱》(Duchy Originals Cookbook)的书终于问世,人们...百姓每天吃的饭菜多是转基因种植的,但女王坚持吃由自然种植的谷物制成的面包。不仅女王借饮食之道来养生,英国王室其他成员也同样如此。查尔斯王储一直都倡导食用绿色食品。酷爱美食的他更是“公爵原味”的品牌创始人,旗下 ……
两个人极其相像还可以用spitting image。英国王室发布夏洛特公主的新照庆祝她的周岁生日,小公主和乔治王子极其相似的兄妹脸真是萌哭啦。 ……
straight意为“澄清问题;弄清真相”。近义短语有figure out,get to the bottom of等。哈里王子夫妇的传记预计在今年8月出版,但梅根希望能够提前,让大家早日理解哈里和她脱离英国王室... of等。哈里王子夫妇的传记预计在今年8月出版,但梅根希望能够提前,让大家早日理解哈里和她脱离英国王室的真正原因。 ……
英国王室努力与现代接轨。词数 297 测试见7版建议阅读时间 5分钟The British royal family is about to be slimmed down. The Queen plans to reduce the number of real royals, it was recently announced. However, there seems little ……
温莎城堡——英国王室的另一个家。A SEA of green gardens surrounds Windsor Castle in the English countryside. It looks out onto the river Thames and sits next to a hunting ground. It was built just outside of London ……
白金汉宫 —— 英国王室的标志。IT is one of the most famous landmarks (地标) in England, but how much do you really... and the Royal (王室的) Family live. Important guests from all over the world come here to visit them ……
英国王室为什么深入人心?词数 301 测试见7版 建议阅读时间 4分钟 She has become the world’s longest-reigning monarch (在位... of the world, still be so popular in modern Britain? One answer is that the royal (王室的) family knows how ……
英国王室为何总能吸引大家的目光?词数 259 建议阅读时间 4分钟Ever since UK’s Prince Harry and US actress Meghan Markle started dating (约会) in July 2016, they’ve been the focal point (关注的焦点) of the world. And now, the news ……
of change”, Eonline reported.Beacon of change指“变革先锋”。加入英国王室后淡出演艺圈的梅根·马克尔近日宣布将担任《British Vogue》九月 ……
) of the British royal family (英国王室).After the death (死亡) of Queen Elizabeth II in September 2022... (英国王室).After the death (死亡) of Queen Elizabeth II in September 2022, Prince Charles became King ……
英国王室努力与现代接轨。词数 332 建议阅读时间 6分钟The royal (王室) family is a part of British history and cultural identity (文化认同). Britain just wouldn’t be Britain without its royal family.Up until the 17th century ……
for a girl’s name and James for a boy.Bucket list意为“心愿清单”。两年前梅根王妃在接受采访时就表示迫不及待想当妈妈了。现在她的梦想终于实现了。近日,英国王室...膊就一直夹着两个紫色的大文件夹,似乎有意遮盖什么。王室再添新丁,不管是男孩还是女孩,这个孩子将注定是媒体关注的焦点。 ……
Beckham and his wife, who could probably overshadow (超过) Windsor (温莎,英国王室的姓氏) and Middleton. Also...英国人如何看待王室这场盛大婚礼?For decades, a debate has raged (猛烈地持续) in the UK over the future of the monarchy ……