the War of Liberation (解放战争) started in China.After 1949, Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai decided the Yangtze ……
of Liberation (1946-49,解放战争), many treasures were taken from Beijing’s Palace Museum all the way to Taiwan ……
) and the War of Liberation (解放战争) (1945-49).On October 1, 1949, he founded (创建) the People's Republic of China ……
was a leader in thewar(战争) against Japan and theWar of Liberation(解放战争). He also helped to make New ……
War (解放战争), the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and the Sino-Vietnamese War. He was also ……
million relics because of this change.However, after the War of Liberation (解放战争), many treasures... million relics because of this change.However, after the War of Liberation (解放战争), many treasures ……
in the Liberation War (解放战争), the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea (抗美援朝战争), and the Sino...清, 1924- War veteran (退伍军人)Zhang was a soldier of People’s Liberation Army (中国人民解放军). He earned ……
(建立) and defend (保卫) New China. He took part in the Liberation War (解放战争), the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea (抗美援朝战争), and the Sino-Vietnamese War (对越自卫反击战). He was also awarded the title ……
; However, after the War of Liberation (解放战争), many treasures were taken from Beijing’s Palace... could be seen by visitors. However, after the War of Liberation (解放战争), many ……
Campaign, the second of three decisive campaigns in the War of Liberation (解放战争) and its historical... Campaign, the second of three decisive campaigns in the War of Liberation (解放战争) and its historical ……
1900还是个孩子时,他就被电影《大决战》中宏大的战争场面深深震撼,这部电影讲述了中国解放战争时期(1946-49)的故事。When 1900 was a child, he was deeply...时间状语从句;③ which引导定语从句,修饰先行词Decisive Engagement。释义:当1900还是个孩子时,他就被电影《大决战》中宏大的战争场面深深震撼,这部电影讲述了中国解放战争时期(1946-49)的故 ……
, the second of three decisive campaigns in the War of Liberation (解放战争), and its significance... Campaign, the second of three decisive campaigns in the War of Liberation (解放战争), and its significance ……
顿的旧书店搜集了数目可观的詹姆斯的各种作品。——摘自水滴 《萋萋葳蕤明明月——赵萝蕤》老当益壮译巨著《草叶集》赵萝蕤那一代人,经历过军阀混战、抗日战争、解放战争、社会主义改造运动、文化大革命等社会变动,他们 ……
黄会林教授出生于20世纪30年代,少年时经历了抗日战争与解放战争;16岁加入中国人民志愿军,抗美援朝,保家卫国;1992年受命恢复北京师范大学艺术系;1993年牵头创办首届北京大学生电影节;2010年主持建立北京师范大学中国文化国际传播研究院。黄会林教授出生于20世纪30年代,少年时经历了抗日战争与解放战争;16岁加入中国人民志愿军,抗美援朝,保家卫国;1992年受 ……
革命圣地延安是红军长征胜利的落脚点,也是中国共产党建立抗日民族统一战线、赢得抗日战争胜利、进而夺取全国胜利的解放战争的出发点,被视为中国共产党人的精神家园。4月26日,中国...们可乘专列前往延安,在旅途中重温革命历史,感受延安精神。革命圣地延安是红军长征胜利的落脚点,也是中国共产党建立抗日民族统一战线、赢得抗日战争胜利、进而夺取全国胜利的解放战争的出发点,被视为中国共产党人的精神家园。4月 ……