汉密尔顿荣获大英帝国勋章。YOU don’t see Lewis Hamilton out of his helmet (头盔) and racing suit very often. But look at him in this picture! The 24-year-old Formula 1 racer (F1车手) now has an MBE medal (大英帝国勋章 ……
Lewis HamiltonF1 (一级方程式赛车) world champion Lewis Hamilton picked up his MBE (英帝国勋章获得者) medal from the Queen of Britain in honor of his becoming the youngest ever F1 champion last year."It was one ……
以浪漫的香吻铭记这一难忘时刻:绿茵帅哥贝克汉姆获颁英帝国勋章。WHEN David Beckham received his OBE (Officer of the Order... of Honour(荣誉勋章) and the US gives out the Congressional Medal (国会荣誉勋章), Britain has a very confusing system ……
Lewis Hamilton, 24, picked up his MBE medal (英帝国勋章) from Queen Elizabeth II of the UK on March 10 ……
. Ian Allan went on to become a successful publisher, and got an OBE (Order of the British Empire,大英帝国勋章 ……
. Ian Allan went on to become a successful publisher, and got an OBE (Order of the British Empire,大英帝国勋章 ……
of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (大英帝国勋章). This title is even higher than the Companion ……
on to become a successful publisher, and got an Order of the British Empire (OBE, 大英帝国勋章) from the Queen..., 大英帝国勋章) from the Queen in 1995. He died in 2015, but his trainspotting hobby lives on. TEENS ……
”. And it is this ability to fascinate that got Elba an Officer of the British Empire medal (大英帝国勋章 ……
浙江省淳安中学高一(4)班的汪之荟为即将参加高考的王越点歌,并想说:“历春夏以苦为乐,恒心架起通天路;搏高考梦想成真,勇气推开智慧门。高考加油!”Singer: John Lennon Genre: RockJohn Lennon(约翰·列侬)是英国著名乐队“披头士”的成员,摇滚史上最伟大的音乐家之一。因其在音乐界的活跃和贡献,Lennon在1965年获得了英国女王颁发的“大英帝国勋章 ……
" (英帝国勋章). It is an honour given by the Queen of England to people excelling in their fields. When... the top to the bottom, they are Knight or Dame Grand Cross (GBE,英帝国(女)爵士大十字勋章); Knight or Dame Commander ……
ever received — an OBE (Officer of the Order of the British Empire荣获英帝国勋章的军官) from the British Queen ……
个致力于清除书面和口头英语错误的非政府组织。该组织成立于1979年。创立者克丽茜马埃尔14岁才开始识字,后来积极投身宣传正确使用英语的公益活动,曾获得大英帝国勋章。目前,这个 ……
《英语》 (新标准)系列教材英方主编Simon Greenall谈英语教育笔者:在荣获大英帝国勋章之际,除了深感荣幸,您还有其他想和大家(特别是中国的朋友们)分享的感想吗?Simon...许多中国朋友与同事都了解在英国获得“大英帝国勋章”是何等殊荣。我们的工作是中英两国间一种持久而微妙的“软外交”,我很高兴我的中国朋友们和我一样懂得这一奖项的重要性。笔者:此次英国政府给您颁发大英帝国勋章 ……
他那么远,又那么近。他身在泰晤士河流经的国度,而他的英语教学理念浸润在无数中国师生手边的书中。英国当地时间4月10日,他因“为英语教学所做的杰出贡献”而荣获2013年大英帝国勋章,在英...法”“情景法”“句型法”和“交际教学法”等诸多教学方法。完善,贯穿空间与时间对于Simon Greenall获得大英帝国勋章,麦克米伦教育出版集团首席执行官Simon Allen先生表示:“多年 ……