看看我家乡的传统大菜。OLD traditions (传统) are always fascinating (迷人的) but today they seem to disappear (消失) quickly. In the picture is a traditional dish, a main course (主菜) in Shaanxi during the Spring ……
called pots.)4. Correct answer: c)main course: 主菜5. Correct answer: c)a) No, the fireplace is inside.b ……
. Turkey is the main dish (主菜). So Thanksgiving can be called Turkey Day. There’re many side dishes (配菜 ……
.---------------------------------------Bonus西餐上菜顺序:1. starters / appetizers 开胃菜2. fish 鱼3. entrée 鱼和肉两道主菜之间的菜4. main courses 主菜5. salads 沙拉6 ……
on to find out more.Get a big stomach丰盛的大餐Turkey1 is the main dish (主菜). This is why Thanksgiving ……
usually eat it as the main course (主菜) of a meal. Every meal they cut off a slice of the loaf (块 ……
nodded (点头) and 2. __________.A little later, 3. __________ the main course (主菜) came, the American... later, 3. __________ the main course (主菜) came, the American delegate asked in the 4. __________ way ……
?A typical school dinner is usually a main course (主菜), a dessert (甜点) and a drink. School dinners....What is a school dinner?A typical school dinner is usually a main course (主菜), a dessert (甜点 ……
?A typical school dinner is usually a main course (主菜), a dessert (甜点) and a drink. School dinners must....What is a school dinner?A typical school dinner is usually a main course (主菜), a dessert (甜点 ……
.---------------------------------------appetizers: 开胃菜entrées: 主菜escargot: 蜗牛tuna: 金枪鱼prawn: 对虾sauteed spinach: 嫩煎菠菜sauerkraut ……
. ---------------------------------------Bonus西餐的上菜顺序和中餐有什么不一样?starter - soup - main course - dessert开胃菜 - 汤 - 主菜 ……
for pandas. I ate up (吃光了) my main course (主菜). Waitress, is there any dessert (甜点) for me? 杨纯 ……
starters before the main course – the playoffs, which just began on April 16.本句采用了暗喻的手法,将季后赛比作主菜,将常 ……
, the main course (主菜) and a side dish came. There are many different kinds of steak, each with its ……
花瓣) to decorate a pink rose tea latte. It tasted as sweet as it looked. For the main course (主菜), I ……