一到选举年(Election Year),美国英语中总会冒出几个与选举相关的词语。例如,2000年的大选留下了至今仍在使用的三个颜色词,即blue state(支持民主党的蓝州)、purple state(两党支持率接近的紫色州)和red state(支持共和党的红州)。又如,2008年的大选给我们带来了birther,即质疑奥巴马身世的人。今年的大选也不出例外地给英语词汇增添了不少新成员。这其 ……
你的下个密友会是机器人吗?PAGES 4-5The recent Robot World Conference in Beijing was very popular. But there was one kind of robot that everyone was talking about. Surprise result特朗普赢得美国大选The US will have a new ……
. PAGE 4Teen’s view中国留学生谈美国大选Chinese students in the US talk about the election. PAGE 3 ……
for both candidates美国大选:拜登与特朗普将“二次对决”!美国大选:拜登与特朗普将“二次对决”!The first US presidential contest (总统竞选) between... election (大选) in November.Still, it doesn’t look like the road ahead will be smooth for either Biden ……
只有抓住拉登,才能赢得美国大选。新的游戏规则让布什总统腹背受敌。IF you can't catch the bad guy, it's game over - this is the rule of life for computer game players in cyber-world. But similar thoughts might be worrying US President ……
随着美国大选的临近,老师和同学们在课堂上关于共和党和民主党的趣谈也日渐增多。Everybody knows that Republicans and Democrats are the two political parties in America. My understanding is that Republicans are generally rich people ……
state,“摇摆州”,美国大选中竞选双方势均力敌、无明显优势的州。这些“摇摆州”的选票一般都是竞选双方争夺的重点。而“非摇摆州”则是non-swing state或者safe state,指一 ……
美国大选结果揭晓,特朗普问鼎白宫。We finally know who will be the next president of the United States. On Nov 8 local time, Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton in the presidential election. He will take office on Jan ……
中国留学生眼中的美国大选。On Nov 8, Donald Trump, 70, won the United States presidential election (选举). Some of TEENS’ overseas reporters in the US have been following the election. Here, two reporters share ……
我们的底线。”——脸书首席执行官马克·扎克伯格(脸书)美国大选已经尘埃落定,不过显然,很多人并不满意新总统人选。不能接受自己支持的候选人落败的一部分美国群众选择了社交媒体脸书(Facebook)作为...易的举报渠道(easy reporting),警告机制(warnings),打击假新闻经济(disrupting fake news economics)等。不管脸书究竟对此次美国大选产生了多大的影响,做真 ……
It looks like the US presidential election is at its end. AFPIt looks like the US presidential election is at its end. AFP令人焦灼的美国大选,下一步将会如何?令人焦灼的美国大选,下一步将会如何?After a months-long intense (紧张 ……
lady volunteers to help count votes during the recent US presidential election. AFP我在美国大选投票站做志愿者。'我在美国大选投票站做志愿者。'The 2020 US presidential election (总统大选) has drawn attention from people around ……
the first in 70 yearsBiden and Trump’s showdown will mark the first in 70 years美国大选:拜登与特朗普对决大幕开启美国大选 ……
今年2月启动的美国总统竞选已经进入到冲刺阶段。半年多以来,各国媒体大篇幅报道了本次美国大选,在关于民主党候选人奥巴马的各种报道及评论文章中出现频率颇高的一个词当属empty suit。请看...的词组有许多,例如, birthday suit。千万不要认为birthday suit是生日礼服! birthday suit是在英美国家常用的一个非常幽默的俚语,是“赤身裸体”的一种委婉说法,其本 ……
美国大选进行时,谁能问鼎白宫?ONE of the most powerful countries on Earth, the United States, will welcome a new president this year. It took a long time, but we now know which two candidates will fight it out ……