可以住人的“特洛伊木马”。SPENDING the night in a Trojan horse (特洛伊木马) sounds like a fantasy. But in the hotel La Balade des Gnomes in Belgium, such dreams come true.Belgian architect (建筑师) Dominique Noel created ……
我的小狗特洛伊故事简介乔伊斯有一条大猎狗。他的名字叫做特洛伊。别看他个头挺大,但是胆子很小。他害怕小老鼠,而且晚上还很吵。有一天,特洛伊做了一件助人为乐的好事, 乔伊斯为他骄傲不已。Joyce has a big hound dog. His name is Troy. Troy is a coward1. He is afraid of a little mouse. Troy ……
(场景). They see the Trojan Horse (特洛伊木马), meet with pharaohs (法老) and talk to Italian master ……
" (《特洛伊》)British actor Orlando Bloom ("Lord of the Rings"(《指环王》) and "Troy" (《特洛伊》)'It's a girl-power ……
a website or network by flooding it with fake requests. Trojan horses 特洛伊木马Malicious codes embedded ……
再现古希腊史诗,《特洛伊》带来心灵的震颤。It is a legend ofGreek mythology(希腊神话), it is a historical story described... in the US on May 14, "Troy" (《特洛伊》) has already been labelled as a favourite for next year's Oscars ……
故事简介乔伊斯有一只猎犬叫特洛伊,它很胆小。在家里,它还是个无敌破坏王。但这一天,它却帮忙找到了一个走失的孩子,乔伊斯为它感到骄傲。1. Joyce has a big hound dog (猎犬). His name is Troy. Troy is a coward (胆小鬼). He is afraid of a little mouse. Troy is noisy. Every ……
home after the Trojan Wars (特洛伊之战). There is a one-eyed giant and a sea monster that eats many ……
her hand in marriage. Venus is said to have caused theTrojan War(特洛伊战争) as she was chased by every ……
in Laos (老挝). How about sleeping in a Trojan Horse (特洛伊木马)? Just go to Belgium. Travelers will look ……
暑期临近,国内的电影市场似乎又成了“好莱坞”大片一统天下,《特洛伊》《后天》等已经开始了轮番轰炸,令众多影迷们期待已久的《哈利波特3》《怪物史莱克2》也将陆续粉墨登场。我们精心选编了一些与电影有关的英语,相信这些欧美影坛的行话能让热爱电影的英语爱好者们大长见识。关于“电影”关于电影,英文中常见的说法有三种:film, movie和flick. 一般来说,film较正规,movie则随便得多,美国 ……
aTrojan(特洛伊,一种病毒) while playing Warcraft.uTrojan is a type of software used by hackers to steal ……
《歌舞青春》(High School Musical)是迪士尼的大热影片,讲述了以篮球校队队长特洛伊(Troy Bolton)和学习天才盖碧艾拉(Gabriella Montez)等为代表的一群美国高中生追寻梦想的励志故事。在下面一段对话中,Troy 和Gabriella因为在学校音乐剧试镜问题上发生误会。Troy: Hey! How are you doing? Troy: Well ……
I know what it’s like to carry a load《歌舞青春》(High School Musical)是迪士尼的经典歌舞电影,讲述了以篮球校队队长特洛伊(Troy Bolton)和学习天才盖碧艾拉(Gabriella Montez)等为代表的一群美国高中生追寻梦想的励志故事。 精彩回放在下面一段对话中,Troy 和Gabriella因为 ……
. The cleaning product gets its name from one of the great warriors (战士) of the Trojan Wars (特洛伊战争), Ajax ……