.After analyzing footage of the dummies, they also said that a passenger in the brace position (环抱 ……
双手交叉环抱身体可以减轻疼痛感WANT to feel less pain (疼痛)? Try crossing (交叉) your arms.According to scientists at University College London, the two sides of our brain (脑子) are like “maps”. When the two maps become ……
双手交叉环抱身体可以减轻疼痛感WANT to feel less pain (疼痛)? Try crossing your arms.Scientists at University College London (UCL) have found that crossing one’s arms across the middle of the body can help reduce (减少 ……
要的) responsibility of controlling the severe epidemic and wrapping (环抱) its consoling (抚慰的) arms around the anxious...要的) responsibility of controlling the severe epidemic and wrapping (环抱) its consoling (抚慰的) arms around ……
the severe epidemic and wrapping (环抱) its consoling (抚慰的) arms around the anxious society...要的) responsibility of controlling the severe epidemic and wrapping (环抱) its consoling (抚慰的) arms around ……
hug (环抱) the tree trunk hand in hand. Baobab trees are useful in many ways. They have big trunks... than 1,000 years. They are about 25 meters tall. More than 10 people can hug (环抱) the tree trunk hand ……
to shiver violently before昨夜我睁开双眼看见你在昏黄的灯下沿着海湾漫步沙滩凝望着早已消逝的星星我想到夜已深你看起来犹如一个内敛的人如此冷漠我披上外衣,环抱双臂开始剧烈颤抖 ……
to shiver violently昨夜我睁开双眼看见你在昏黄的灯下沿着海湾漫步沙滩凝望着早已消逝的星辰我想到夜已深你看起来犹如一个内敛的人如此冷漠我披上外衣,环抱双臂开始剧烈颤抖>>试听歌曲>>试听歌曲 ……
and on playgrounds. Police officers cradled (环抱) their caps in their arms as they stood at attention. Many ……
and on playgrounds. Police officers cradled (环抱) their caps in their arms as they stood at attention. Many ……
entwined 臂挽臂embrace wildly/ put an arm around/ hold closely/tightly 紧抱,环抱caress sb's hair/shoulder 抚摸 ……
叔叔用手势招呼我上车,他好像在离我很远的地方做慢镜头动作一样。作者会有这种感觉是因为她当时已经 “Numb with grief”,即“因为过度悲伤而失去知觉了”。 释义:当爸爸用他粗壮的手臂环抱 ……
: Fill in the blanks: 6. He __________ __________ __________ _________ (环抱着) his friend to give him a big hug.6. He __________ __________ __________ _________ (环抱着) his friend ……
words.我们吃完晚饭,有几位顾客离开他们的餐桌跟着克拉克来到街上,与他握手,请他签名题字。3.Pebble-clear streams trellis the mountains.丛山溪流环抱,溪水 ……
北京外国语大学附属小学,原名北京市海淀区万寿寺小学,地处北京外国语大学、中央民族大学和北京理工大学三校环抱之中,充满着浓郁的文化氛围。2015年11月23日下午,“国培计划”(2015)西藏自治区乡村校长培训项目——拉萨、日喀则、阿里三地、市乡村校长培训项目北京外国语大学培训班的学员们来到北京外国语大学附属小学考察访问。北外附小徐宝如校长及王副校长亲切接待了来自西藏的30位乡村校长。学校 ……