小皇子诞生解燃眉之急 日本皇室继承法改革搁浅
政府将放弃之前提出修改皇室继承法、允许女性继承皇位的方案。2005年,小泉政府的顾问机构提出一个方案,建议取消皇室继承人的性别限制,天皇的长子或长女均可继承皇位。这一改革方案的提出是为了解决日本皇室40多年未添男丁的困局,化解皇室继承危机。允许女性继承皇位的法律若通过,5岁的公主将成为第二顺次皇位继承人。然而,现任首相安倍已计划否决这一提议。安倍曾多次表示反对修改日本1947通过的《皇室典范》。他坚持只允许男性皇室成员继承皇位 ……
day have a ruling empress. There is no immediate heir (继承人) to the imperial throne (皇位) under ……
美国的3D动画电影《冰雪奇缘》(Frozen),是由安徒生童话《白雪皇后》(Snow Queen)改编而成。影片讲述了姐姐艾尔莎(Elsa)继承皇位后,她的魔力失控导致王国被冰天雪地所覆盖。为了破除艾尔莎的冰封魔咒,乐观无畏的妹妹安娜(Anna)挺身而出,和热爱冒险的山民克里斯托夫(Kristoff)以及他的驯鹿一起出发,展开了一段魔法层出不穷、旅程峰回路转的冒险。精彩回放Kristoff ……
emperor has given up his throne (皇位) instead of letting nature take its course. The emperor ……
定继承人,与successor同义。在君主制里,皇位继承人,如中国古代的“太子”或欧洲的“王储”,英文是Crown Prince。在有些国家,继承人没有特定头衔,统称为heir apparent。从字 ……
皇帝登基大典和大婚是怎样的?清朝皇帝登基大典和大婚是怎样的?Before taking the throne (皇位), the emperor was usually known...). TEENSBefore taking the throne (皇位), the emperor was usually known as a chosen ……
hunting very much. They took part in more than 10 big hunting trips while on the throne (皇位... on the throne (皇位). And they were skilled marksmen (神箭手). Emperor Kangxi once hunted 318 rabbits ……
.英语词汇解析antique 古董high-profile 高层的Kazakhstan 哈萨克斯坦Mandarin 普通话savvy 精通的squirrel 躲藏throne 皇位 ……
harder before he took the throne (皇位). As a prince, he and his brothers went to Shangshufang (上书... even harder before he took the throne (皇位). As a prince, he and his brothers went to Shangshufang ……
?"---------------------------blond: 金发的cheeky: 厚颜的,大胆的genuine: 诚恳的lame: 无力的Nazi: 纳粹党的throne: 皇位 ……
throne“夺嫡”是指阿哥之间争夺太子之位,谋求皇位的斗争,常是“清穿剧”的重要线索。•腹黑 charmingly devious “腹黑”指表面和善温和,内心却有城府有心计,同时 ……
.---------------------------------------fatigue: 疲惫marijuana: 大麻poised: 沉着的tabloid: 小报throne: 皇位Bonus ……