据《重庆商报》报道,重庆一名大一女生刘英(化名)因被老外问路难住蒙羞,开始恶补英语,结果由于用功过度昏倒于书市。古人说“知耻而后勇”,可受“刺激”后“勇”到像刘英这样的例子,倒真不多见。身为大学生无法回答老外一句简单的问路,这恐怕已不是看书就能补救的,也不仅仅是刘英一个人的问题。长久以来,我们的外语教育在目标和方法上出现了问题,学生不知为何而学,也不知如何去学,一切跟着升学、考证的指挥棒转。拿语 ……
Michael. Crook:英国人,出生于北京,中文名柯马凯. ……
小老外和我们玩“老鹰捉小鸡”!IT is very interesting to play games with a foreigner (外国人). In the picture, some Chinese children play with a US boy. His Chinese name is Han Xinle. He can speak Chinese well ……
medicine tastes bitter to the mouth. (忠实的话与耳朵相矛盾;好药尝起来更苦。)可是译者明了,老外却不明白了:为什么好药一定是苦的呢?如果翻译为:Bitter words are medicine; sweet words bring illness.(苦言是药,甜语致病。)对老外来说更没有道理了!即使说:Good advice often jars ……
谁是你眼中最有名的老外?词数 108 建议阅读时间 1分钟WHO is your favorite celebrity (名人)? If you are a big fan of one, chances are you will follow that star’s moves and share news about him or her on your favorite social ……
pot of water makes no sound; the half-empty pot of water is noisy.老外听后,不可能理解它的真正内涵。因为... level sinks, the stones are exposed.老外有他们自己的说法:All secrets may eventually come to light.或者:Eventually ……
见到老外聊哪些话题最合适?词数 185 建议阅读时间 4分钟 测试见7版SMALL talk is a good way to make friends. If you travel to other countries or have friends from abroad, do you know how to use small talk to make conversation ……
老外爱起什么中文名字?词数 177 建议阅读时间 5分钟 GETTING a Chinese name was a little like being born again. I arrived in China to teach and was quickly given one. To be honest, I don't remember what it was because I ……
老外也喜欢看京剧哦!词数 218 教案见网站 建议阅读时间 5分钟 THE wonderful Prince Gong''s Mansion (恭王府) is a great place to see Peking Opera. In this old wooden theater you can imagine what it was like for an imperial (皇帝 ……
老外爱吃哪些中国菜?CHINESE food is popular around the world. My favorite Chinese dish (菜) is hot pot. You can see the water bubble (冒泡). You can smell (闻到) the beef, vegetables and the spices (调味品). Together ……
老外怎么说“无名氏”?HAVE you ever told a story about someone but forgotten their name? Not to worry! In English, we have special names to replace their real name, so your story doesn’t come to a sudden stop ……
老外怎么看待中国人的请客行为?During my first few weeks in China, I found something interesting at the dinner table. I was in a restaurant with my friends. Suddenly, a group of four men were speaking loudly ……
作家刘慈欣斩获科幻领域最高奖之一的雨果奖最佳长篇故事奖,书写了亚洲科幻新篇章。中国人民脑洞大开也不输老外呐。热爱科幻片的同学可以开始期待明年上映的同名电影了。 ……
据《中国日报》报道,如今,中国人越来越热衷于为自己起一个英文名。然而,他们取名的规则却与老外不同,以致于这些名字常常令老外摸不着头脑。报道中提到,外籍教师Carol在中国农业大学教商务英语,她手中的学生花名册就是这种“外语趣名”现象的最好例子。比如,在Carol的班里,Rainbow同学经常坐在Sunny同学和Rain同学中间,而且他们都和Weather同学在同一个小组里。最近,Carol开设 ……
中的亮点大多是语文课本上没有的。当外国朋友对我们说中文时,我们不能想象他会说出:“啥事儿这么开心啊?跟打了鸡血似的。”真的有一个高鼻子蓝眼睛的老外跟我们这么打招呼,恐怕我们该大跌眼镜了。同样,如果黄皮肤黑眼睛的我们在回应老外的问候时说出:“Fair to middling.”(还行,马马虎虎啦)时,老外一定会对你刮目相看,你们接下来的交流一定会畅通无阻。目前,夸张、随意、亲切 ……