the time and everyone must learn to take defeat gracefully (潇洒地).Editor ……
this, the priest decides to help him. He steps smartly (潇洒地) across the street. He walks up behind the little boy ……
"足球王子"贝克汉姆白金汉宫获英女王授勋DAVID Beckham usually looks very stylish (时髦的). But not last Thursday. Then he looked like an old man! He was wearing a black suit and large hat.Beckham was dressed so smartly (潇洒地 ……
.BONUSpressure是把双刃剑。就看你如何应对它。英语中有这样一个俗语:A diamond is just another piece of coal that did well under pressure.让我们潇洒地 ……
the time and everyone must learn to take defeat gracefully (潇洒地). You need not worry too much ……
the time and everyone must learn to take defeat gracefully (潇洒地). You need not worry too much ……
要点提示 分手易,疗伤难。一段恋情无果而终后,有多少人能潇洒地挥挥手,把它当作过眼云烟?怎样才能走出消沉,让微笑和自信重现?When relationships end, we *mourn the loss with denial, anger, bargaining, sadness and finally acceptance. These are the same five stages ……
ready to depart.在生命行将谢幕之时回顾往昔,想必有千言万语,却又不知从何说起。日本文学中有辞世诗这一品类,其句或庄或谐,或凄美或豪壮,人们往往生时便精心起草,以备辞世之前郑重或潇洒地...一生的所历、所感、所迷和所悟。在生命行将谢幕之时回顾往昔,想必有千言万语,却又不知从何说起。日本文学中有辞世诗这一品类,其句或庄或谐,或凄美或豪壮,人们往往生时便精心起草,以备辞世之前郑重或潇洒地吟出。此类 ……
gracefully (潇洒地). Besides, you might worry too much. The fact that you lost this competition won ……
被齐文昱用来解释两种语言和文化的相通性。他希望学生能够在 “融通”中感悟英语学习的乐趣。齐文昱告诉笔者,在他眼里,真正的“师者”有两位。一位是“一袭白衣,闲云野鹤般潇洒地在课堂上信手拈来,贯通中西的余光中”,另一位是年过八旬、风度 ……
,我把之前写好的决议草案放到英国代表面前,潇洒地说:“Maybe you can just add new ideas to this draft that we’ve already prepared ……