of place游离于…之外, 不合适She felt a little out of place at the ball.fortunen. 运气,命运记单词:fortune fortunate ……
to work.4. My attention wanders (游离) frequently.5. I find it difficult to concentrate.6. I often ask ……
(游离), so I miss out on a lot of things. What should I do? Anxious BoyADear Anxious Boy,With so many ……
的) and gentle, causing the audience’s thoughts to drift away (游离) with the notes. The festival reached... the audience’s thoughts to drift away (游离) with the notes. I worked with three other students ……
to befriend (和...交朋友) classmates who seem to keep themselves apart (游离于...之外) from the crowd?Or you ……
into positive action. When your thoughtsstray(游离) in class, this mantra will be in yoursubconscious(潜意 ……
花十万美元造访"天上宫阙", 太空旅游离普通人越来越近.EAGER to open up a space tourism market, a Russian company presented a "space plane" model earlier this month. It would give tourists the chance to spend an hour in space ……
) of the youth, but also gentle, causing the audience’s thoughts to drift away (游离) with the notes. ... to drift away (游离) with the notes. I worked with three other students as the host of Super ……
得名tweeny。然而,tweener的意思绝非这三个词所能涵盖。tweener可指代那些游离在两种状态间的、难以将其归类的人。生活中,总是摇摆不定的人被称为tweener;在社会学领域中,双性 ……
于自己迷失其中,或者思想游离做白日梦了。You must be from Tennessee because you are the only “ten” I see.又是一个巧舌如簧的男生。这句 ……
》《身份》与《无知》这三部法语小说构成。里卡尔注意到,第一个子集里的昆德拉关注主人公与无法摆脱的生存境遇之间的斗争,关注由这斗争带来的种种痛苦与可笑;到了第二个子集,作者已经将重心转移到了游离、淡出 ……
痕迹可循。爱的华丽与精致、颓废与忧伤、暧昧与游离尽现纸面。无论是语言,无论是乐感,都是爱的华章。---------------------------------------这本诗集不面向专业读者,也不 ……
heroine 女主人公 hinder 阻碍 narrative 叙述 witty 诙谐的BONUSdrift away游离 He lost himself in the music ……
接受其考试服务的考生总人次已超过1000万。这边事业打理得风生水起,那边,作为行业领军人的王林却不曾生生跳脱出来,他刻意回避着大众媒体的追逐,始终游离于公众视野之外。低调的背后有内敛淡定,亦是一份从容和自信。考试:一门 ……
心高频词和热门话题。外语界应该充分认识到教育信息化2.0对外语教育的挑战和机遇。外语教育是我国教育中的重要组成部分,不可能游离在教育信息化2.0之外,不可能脱离大数据、人工智能和智慧学习。人工 ……