俄罗斯乌里扬诺夫斯克州州长发言人希科夫日前说,州长莫罗佐夫要求该州政府高级官员重返学校补习英语,以便能与前来洽谈投资的外国公司代表沟通和交流。据《莫斯科时报》20日报道,已经有两家欧美大公司有意在当地投资。莫罗佐夫上周在一次会议上宣布,所有政府高级官员必须学习英语,达到能够流利地使用英语进行基本日常会话的水平,学习费用将由政府承担。莫罗佐夫本人也将开始上课补习英语。 ……
A BILL that would allow US Texans (得克萨斯人) to catch catfish (鲶鱼) with their bare (赤裸的) hands is now on Governor (州长) Rick Perry’s desk for signature after the state Senate approved it. The practice ……
墨西哥“菜鸟”警察用弹弓执勤。In the Mexican town of Alvarado, a group of police officers are using slingshots (弹弓), but not guns (手枪). These police officers did badly on their gun exams. The state governor (州长 ……
was the governor ofTexas(得克萨斯州州长). In 2000, he became the president of the United States.Bush has a warm... on the governmentJohn Kerry was born on December 11, 1943. He was vice governor of Massachusetts (马萨诸塞州副州长 ……
Boston University’s law school. He served two terms, between 1997 and 2005, as governor (州长 ……
’s papers from his days as governor (州长) of Arkansas. An archivist (档案保管员) was going through some 2 ……
(州长) of California signed (签署) a bill to stop using single-use plastic bags at stores over the next ……
楼道变成了“星际隧道”杭州长江实验小学 四 (1) 版 赵梓羽There is a special corridor (楼道) in my school. All of the students like to walk through this corridor to their classrooms. Why? Teachers made it into an “interstellar ……
. PROVIDED TO TEENS满分学霸获得澳大利亚维州州长奖。 满分学霸获得澳大利亚维州州长奖。 Last year, I got a perfect score on my Chinese as a First Language test. In June this year, I got the Premier’s VCE Award (维州州长 ……
to the state of Arkansas. She was the state’s first lady when her husband, Bill, was the governor (州长.... She was the state’s first lady when her husband, Bill, was the governor (州长).   ……
1. Jon HuntsmanWhy him: He was nominated (提名) as the US ambassador to China.PRESIDENT Barack Obama nominated Utah governor (州长) Jon Huntsman as ambassador to China on May 16.Huntsman, 49, is the son ……
to people born into poverty. Take Arnold Schwarzenegger, former governor (州长) of California ……
A PROMOTIONAL campaign for Rhode Island in the US has been criticized for showing Rekjavik in Iceland rather than the state capital of Providence.Governor (州长) Gina Raimondo said the mistake meant ……
学霸获得澳大利亚维州“州长奖”。满分学霸获得澳大利亚维州“州长奖”。词数 317 建议阅读时间 5分钟 词数...’s (州长的) speech, the prize recipients got onto the stage and took photos with the premier ……
a drop in new COVID-19 cases, the premier (州长) of Victoria lifted (撤销) one of the longest lockdowns... populated state in Australia. Following a drop in new COVID-19 cases, the premier (州长) of Victoria lifted ……