一起来迎接崭新的一年!测试见7版 教案见网站2008 is here! Make a new start... fill your heart with new hopes, dream new dreams and celebrate the New Year!In fact, new year is a way to help people mark time. In the past ……
投入崭新的中学生活,一切从头开始!MANY new middle school students might say it’s hard to get used to (习惯) the life, because in middle school we have to get up early. Once (一旦) you go to middle school, you get a ton ……
the chance (机会) to make a fresh (崭新的) start. This is my favorite time of year! Answer the questions: 1. Why ……
finish his top prize in 27 years. The runners-up in the Moscow competition won brand-new (崭新的 ……
让我们张开双臂,拥抱崭新的2007!CLOSE your eyes at night on December 31, 2006 and open them the next morning. Ah, it's abrand new(崭新的) year! Will it be busy? Will it be easy? If you ask what will 2007 be like, one ……
各样的Going abroad can be a great way to meet a variety of people. 6. a brand new perspective 一个崭新的视角When... discover hidden gems in the city.亮点仿写1.坐落在长江之畔,这座美丽的古城现在成为了受欢迎的旅游胜地。2.这次愉快的旅行让我对生活的看法有了一个崭新的视角。3.我们 ……
如何面对崭新的高中生活?NOW summer is over, you have become a high school student.Some freshmen find this scary and ask recent high school graduates like my friends and I for advice. I guess ……
;交付network n. 网络brand-new adj. 崭新的;全新的 ……
car appeared before my eyes. (巫师挥舞着他的魔法棒,念着咒语,然后"扑"的一声,一辆崭新的汽车出现在我的眼前。)David Wesley, Los Angeles ……
新学期开学已近一个月了,你是否已经适应了崭新的初中生活呢?你的日常活动都是怎么安排的?来跟大家一起分享一下吧!约稿主题 :My daily life提示:1.介绍你每天的早晚作息时间,以及搭乘什么样的交通工具上下学等。2.白天的课程和课外活动都是什么样的情况?晚上回家后通常都有哪些安排?要求:1. 80词左右,可适当发挥。2. 附加两张与习作内容相符的清晰照片,也可以是个人照片,以附 ……
摘自: 点将台[21st, 21世纪学生英文报·初一版]
我慢慢地喜欢上了新学校。MY heart sank when I got my offer for the senior middle school where I would spend the next three years. Thinking of the brand new (崭新的) faces and the place being much smaller than my ……
strongly or having a strong effect 激烈,强度brand-new adj. new and not yet used 全新的,崭新的regular adj. normal...赞博尼磨冰机的最后一次打磨,冰面就像玻璃一样平滑,还有什么能比一片崭新的冰面更完美的呢?释义:晨曦或落日余晖中的高尔夫球场也同样迷人。 句型:倒装句式:So + 助动词 + 主语,表达某人或物也……。例如:He ……
1.基本概念计算机用于语言教学始于20世纪60年代,迄今经历了行为主义、交际法和集成化模式三个阶段。第一阶段:六七十年代的计算机辅助语言学习以语言技能的重复性练习为特点,着眼于所谓的句型操练法。第二阶段:七八十年代的交际法计算机辅助语言学习认为学习是一个发现、表达和发展的创造性过程,强调使用课文重建和场景模拟为主的软件。第三阶段:集成化是计算机辅助语言学习的一个崭新的阶段,强调 ……
高考词汇flood of 多,大批,大量用法:a (the) flood of / floods ofThe kid was in floods of tears.remote adj. 偏僻的,遥远的No one wants to work in the remote village for more than 10 years.brand-new adj. 崭新的,全新的Her brand ……
and tears this year. By partying hard, we hope to make a good start to the brand (崭新的) new year."Teens ……