日本拒绝球王马拉多纳入境Former Argentine football star Diego Maradona failed to get a Japanese visa (签证) as a television commentator (解说员). He was refused entry because of his past drug abuse (吸毒).South Korea ……
我是奥运会比赛的解说员!LOOK. It looks like my mother and I are at the TV station. We are, but it’s not the real one. This is just a place for everybody to take photos. You can have a try at the Beijing TV tower ……
十岁小学生当体育解说员Michael is 10 and was born in China. Now he lives in Australia. He likes playing Australian football. Also, he can talk about the game in Mandarin (普通话). Michael and seven other people ……
commentator, on Norwegian TV when Norway beat England 2-1 in a World Cup qualifier in 1981.注释:这段评论是解说员...半场赛况两重天啊。这是用得最泛滥的足球评论之一,解说员常用这句话说明下半场球员突然表现神勇,与上半场判若两人。■ “There are no easy games in football.”注释:足球 ……
罚这种罪行,然后我们大家才可以重新睡得安稳。It was said he was just checking to see which way the wind was blowing.这位读者打趣说这个解说员...会真的在乎吗?这位读者问道。他倒觉得这名解说员表达了自己的真性情,很有趣。别揪着他不放啦。I work at a large NBC news station, and most ……
; require many skills电竞解说员和主持人需要什么技能?电竞解说员和主持人需要什么技能?Growing along with the esports industry, esports commentators (解说员) and hosts have also become popular jobs. However, just like being a good esports ……
for a job in radio then work my way up to sports announcer (体育解说员).2I hitchhiked (搭乘便车) to Chicago (芝加...定试着在电台找个事儿做,然后争取做体育节目的解说员。短语:work one''s way up 表示"获得提升,晋级"He has worked his way up from junior ……
any work."Huang's new gigFORMER CCTV footballcommentator(解说员) Huang Jianxiang announced last Thursday ……
.The narrator (解说员)She works in the gallery telling people about the paintings. She knows which ……
奥运会期间的节目主持人、解说员和解说顾问的有:宋世雄、白岩松、崔永元、欧阳夏丹等“名嘴”及体育界资深人士、奥运冠军张卫平、汪嘉伟等30多位嘉宾。奥运频道的主持人、解说员等届时将分别解说不同的奥运项目,与全...奥会境内公第三段票售。本次售方式“票”,即先到先得,不再采用抽方式。因此,凡符合票格的公,均可在北京奥委指定的中国行票代售网点或北京奥会票售网站行票。 名嘴解说:all-star commentators背景 ……
from my head. My teacher asked me to change roles and be the narrator (解说员). Though I didn''t tell my...用比喻形象描绘出院子里春天的景致。释义:"人也是一样啊,"她补充道。短语:be true of 对……也适用。It is true of children and of adults too.释义:"你会成为一个优秀的解说员 ……
disappeared from my head. My teacher asked me to change roles and be the narrator (解说员). Though I didn...充道。短语:be true of 对……也适用。It is true of children and of adults too.释义:"你会成为一个优秀的解说员,"她的 ……
funny and unique (独特的). They quickly became catchphrases on Chinese social media.王濛是中国短道速滑历史上的标杆人物, 如今在北京冬奥会上她作为解说员...;妙语连珠”。王濛是中国短道速滑历史上的标杆人物, 如今在北京冬奥会上她作为解说员更是变身”金句王“,制造出众多流行语。Catchphrase maker 可表 ……
, he had fallen asleep under a bush!A BBC television commentator (解说员), John Snagge, also made ……
’s vice president of programming, said the network might want to use Beckham as a commentator (解说员) on its ……