Hi, I’m a beagle (小猎犬) from Canada. I’m 4 years old. People call me Miss P. I won the Westminster Dog Show(威斯敏斯特狗展) in New York City. When I was on the stage, I played it cool (沉着冷静). ……
要形容一个人很淡定,遇事沉着冷静的,可以用 “composed”. If someone is composed, they are calm and able to control their feelings.例如 ……
to control their feelings, 也就是 “沉着冷静的”。例如: He seemed very composed in spite of all the trouble he was having. ……
eye, Dr Gregg Homer told CNN. Our eyes have no blue pigmentation (色素沉着). The difference between ……
地) to hold the caution with realism and poise (沉着) then put it in his back pocket,” according ……
·阿塞莉娅虽然在美国人民选择奖大有斩获,但却被主持人以贬低性的词语介绍。阿塞莉娅能沉着冷静,继续表演也着实不容易。 ……
title.Ruthless意为“无情的”,同义词有pitiless和remorseless。今年是莎拉波娃丰收的一年。凭借赛场上的冷酷无情和沉着冷静,莎拉波娃赢得了五个WTA冠军头衔,大有重回世界第一之势。 ……
, nobody was hurt. The *stitched-mouth look on Grande’s face? That’s just for Halloween.Imperturbable形容“沉着 ……
; For 43-year-old Henry, they said, “Composure (沉着), natural skill and rapid pace saw Henry..., “Composure (沉着), natural skill and rapid pace saw Henry redefine forward play. His outrageous (令人 ……
) my hair, tried to hide my nervousness and appear to be very composed (沉着的) and professional. Where...;…卷曲) my hair, tried to hide my nervousness and appear to be very composed (沉着的) and professional ……
life into many different sectors of the economy. 竞争是使各个经济部门保持活力的灵丹妙药。poised: adj. 沉着的,泰然自若的For a player with little experience, he is extremely poised. 他虽然没有什么经验,但非常沉着镇定。 ……
impressed by his composure (沉着冷静). “A lot of players get hot, but he’s got the patience...,遇事沉着冷静是Lillard一大性格特征。我们可以用composed这个词。If someone is composed, they are calm and able to control ……
life with dignity (尊严) and composure (沉着).Afterward, Mitch decided to live his life with dignity (尊严) and composure (沉着).We are always overwhelmed by our fast-paced society. Maybe we don’t need ……
披荆斩棘,历经人间冷暖,F1冠军阿隆索拥有了冷静和沉着。EVERY racing driver dreams of becoming aFormula One(一级方程式赛车) champion one day. Many will never make it. But Fernando Alonso, 24, doesn't seem too excited about getting ……
in the air and on the ground.---------------------------------------dapper: 小而精悍的pilot: 飞行员suave: 沉着 ……