美国金桃子出版公司目前首次向北美市场推出一系列中国题材出版物,试水此类读物在北美的市场前景。首批出版物包括“金桃子中国人物系列”“金桃子中国医学系列”“金桃子分级汉语系列”和“金桃子中国古典名著系列”4大板块20余本图书。金桃子董事长陶子介绍说,这20余本新书为英文版或中英对照版图书,全部面向美国市场,目标读者为青少年儿童。新书或根据中国题材在美国创作完成,或在中国内地组稿,均体现了金桃子双语文化出版物的特点。 ……
坐板凳,吃桃子Bench, bench, bench.Peach, peach, peach.Sit on the bench.And eat the peach. Have a go你能从字母迷宫中找出peach,bench,child吗? ……
七岁的棉花糖制作师Canaan Smith is a 7-year-old American boy. His favorite food is marshmallow. One day, he wants to make his peach-flavor (桃子味道的) marshmallows at home. He gets mom’s help. They look up recipes ……
two baskets forpeaches(桃子). The ball they play with is a football!I can't see it!November 29, 1775 ……
在国外,夏天人们可以品尝到各种各样的美味莓子!词数 157 建议阅读时间 5分钟 NAME the most popular fruits of early summer. How many of them can you think of? Mangos,peaches(桃子), cherries… and yes,strawberries(草莓)!Maybe strawberries ……
维尼的种子故事简介小女孩维尼和爷爷一起去花店。他们买了一些桃树的种子。 维尼盼望着这些种子长成桃树,结出甜美的桃子。Weenie goes to the flower shop with Grandpa. She sees peach1 seeds2. “Do you want these seeds? Take them,” says Mrs Lee. Weenie plants three ……
; 桃子Peach 桃子Mandarin 橘/桔 ……
'll carry somepeaches(桃子) in my bag. My grandmother said peaches scare ghosts. I think she knows ……
peaches on the tree. (树上有很多桃子。)- I love the beautiful flowers on the peach tree. (我爱桃树上美丽的花朵。)Have a go ……
artist Momoko Sakura (樱桃子), who created the series, passed away from cancer at 53. People expressed ……
... “Peaches” (桃子)! Ellie: Peaches? Manny: I love peaches. They’re sweet and round and fuzzy (毛绒 ……
, uh... “Peaches” (桃子)! Ellie: Peaches? Manny: I love peaches. They’re sweet and round and fuzzy (毛绒 ……
this weekend to feel close to nature.本周你精力旺盛,体质健康。尽量不要熬夜(stay up late),以免身体机能紊乱。要注意补充水分,可以多吃桃子等水分较多的蔬果。周末 ……
is a Chinese folk handicraft (手工艺). Kernels of peaches (桃子), apricots (杏子), walnuts (核桃) and other fruits are cut to make artifacts. It is a Chinese folk handicraft (手工艺). Kernels of peaches (桃子 ……
,愚蠢的人)eg, He抯 such a pea brain.(他是个大傻瓜。注:此词语暗示某人的脑子只有豌豆那么大。)Peach(桃子)A real peach (to be)exp ……