also holds the record (保持纪录) for blowing the world’s largest bubble. ……
Tallest Lego towerWhat a tall Lego (乐高) tower! It’s about 31 meters tall, as tall as a 10-story (层) building. Some people in Brazil (巴西) made it. ……
摘自: 世界纪录[21ST, 21世纪学生英文报·小学生版]
最小的职业球员Hello, I’m Baerke van der Meij. I live in the Netherlands (荷兰). I’m only 18 months old. ……
摘自: 世界纪录[21ST, 21世纪学生英文报·小学生版]
Guinness world recordsSmallest cameraThis camera is only 1mm wide (宽) and 1mm long. It is smaller than a match (火柴) head. But it can take 44 clear pictures every second (秒). ……
摘自: 世界纪录[21ST, 21世纪学生英文报·小学生版]
400 straws in his mouthThis guy must be very thirsty (口渴的). Simon Elmore of Germany (德国) put 400 straws (吸管) in his mouth. ……
摘自: 世界纪录[21ST, 21世纪学生英文报·小学生版]
Smallest car in the world世界上最小的车You are not looking at a toy. This is the world’s smallest road car. It is only 63. ……
摘自: 世界纪录[21ST, 21世纪学生英文报·小学生版]
适的教育应该是受到学生认可的教育,每个国家都可能有适合自己学生的教育模式。郝又明:探讨教育离不开对于国家历史背景、渊源的了解,教育一定要与本国国情相结合。2015年,教育圈内最火热的话题之一当属由英国BBC制作的中式教育纪录...组核心成员、中国民族示范教育研究中心首席专家鲁子问向与会者披露了该纪录片的幕后故事,并从独到视角进行了全新解读。据鲁子问介绍,该片事实上是一档为迎合英国教育部促进英国教育改革需要而拍摄的节目。它更 ……
3月20日,第十四届中国日报社“21世纪•新东方杯”全国中小学生英语演讲比赛总决赛在北京外国语大学盛大举行。曾在BBC拍摄的中英教育纪录片中充当“严师”,与英国“熊孩子”斗智...中英教育的差异,她表示获益匪浅。英国之旅对她的教学理念与英语教学方式也产生了一定影响。李爱云认为探索如何激发学生潜力是非常重要的。记者:首先,请您介绍一下参与BBC纪录片教育实验,执教 ……
中文译著销量已达110万册 英语文字游戏引人入胜
长期以来,国内外语作品的译作市场交替出现着翻译热情高涨与读者反应冷淡的情况. 外文书籍被持续不断地翻译并介绍进国内图书市场,而读者却因译作质量平平而反应平淡. 然而,2004年初《达·芬奇密码》(The. Da. ……
“大胃王”吃鸡翅破纪录。TAKERU Kobayashi (小林尊), 33, is from Japan. He likes chicken wings (鸡翅) more than anyone else. He ate 337 chicken wings in 30 minutes!This was a new world record (世界纪录). ……
吉尼斯世界纪录难度:较易世界上跳得最高的猪I’m Kotetsu, a pig from Japan. I can jump 70cm high, the world’s highest jump by a pig! Can you beat my record (纪录)? ……
世界纪录His name is Junrey Balawing. He is from the Philippines (菲律宾). The 18-year-old boy is 59.93cm tall. He stopped growing at the age of 2. He is the shortest man in the world. ……
吉尼斯世界纪录World’s shortest catMeet Fizz Girl from the US. This 3-year-old cat is only 15cm tall. It is the shortest cat in the world. ……
吉尼斯世界纪录How strong are your fingers? A Chinese man, Wang Weibao, balanced (使……平衡) himself on four fingers for 19.23 seconds. That’s the world record for doing so. ……
世界纪录Shortest living cat最矮的猫Lilieput the cat lives in the US. She is 10 years old. And she is only 13.34 cm tall. She is the shortest cat in the world. ……