美国英语简称美语,其历史要比美利坚合众国的历史悠久得多. 具体来说,它至今已有300多年的历史. 从英国殖民者踏上北美大陆起,美语就诞生了. 可以想见,最早的美语词汇中绝大部分源于与原住民语言(亦即印第安语言)的融汇,其中有相当数量的词语与北美大陆特有的动植物或印第安人文化有关,如moccasin(鹿皮软鞋,1609年)、moose(驼鹿,1603年)、opossum(负鼠,1610年)、raccoon(浣熊,1608年)、squash(南瓜,1643年)、wigwam(印第安人棚屋,1628年)等. ……
陆谷孙. (1940-2016),1940年生于上海,1957年至1962年在复旦大学外文系英美语言专业学习,1962年起攻读复旦大学外文系英美语言专业研究生,1965年毕业后留校任教,2003年至2006年出任复旦大学外文学院首任院长. 陆谷孙先生是我国杰出的双语词典编纂家,《新英汉词典》、《英汉大词典》、《中华汉英大词典》是他倾注毕生精力的代表性成果. 他的英文学养这样炼成17岁考上复旦大学外文系时,陆谷孙才开始正儿八经学习英语. ……
To see a world (from Auguries of Innocence)To see a World in a Grain of SandAnd a Heaven in a Wild Flower,Hold Infinity (无限) in the palm of your handAnd Eternity (永恒) in an hour. By William Blake ……
A Grain of SandTo see a world in a grain of sand And a heaven in a wild flower, Hold infinity (无限) in the palm of your hand And eternity (永恒) in an hour.By William Blake (English poet, 1757-1827) ……
A Grain of SandTo see a world in a grain of sand And a heaven in a wild flower, Hold infinity (无限) in the palm of your hand And eternity (永恒) in an hour.By William Blake (English poet, 1757-1827) ……
XINHUA 粉丝文化:热爱激发无限创造力粉丝文化:热爱激发无限创造力How fans express their love for their favorite works PAGE 4How fans express their love for their favorite works PAGE 4 ……
美丽的树,“无限的网”The special tree is in a museum in Moscow (莫斯科). It has an iron5 body. Its leaves are solar panels (太阳能板). It offers (提供) visitors free Wi-Fi. ……
美丽的树,“无限的网”。THE special tree is in a museum in Moscow (莫斯科). It has an iron body. Its leaves are solar panels (太阳能板). It offers (提供) visitors free Wi-Fi. ……
自己动手制作小手工,为假期生活增添无限乐趣。What you needColored paper Wire (铁丝) Ruler Modeling clay (软陶) Pencil Glue (胶水)How to make oneWire animals ……
STAMPED RECORDSSTAMPED RECORDS“小马丁” —— 创意无限的荷兰DJ“小马丁” —— 创意无限的荷兰DJFrom performing on a lake to playing on top of a tower, this young man ……
IQIYIIQIYI邓紫棋:发现自己的无限可能!邓紫棋:发现自己的无限可能!Gloria Tang Tsz-kei has hopped from role to role, learning how to rap one year and appearing in a unique music video the next. What else is she capable of?Gloria ……
PROVIDED TO TEENS 全国人大代表格西王姆:人生可以有无限可能全国人大代表格西王姆:人生可以有无限可能Tashi Wangmo has been thinking for the elderly since she was only 18 PAGES 4-5Tashi Wangmo has been thinking ……
VCG “斜杆青年”:探索人生无限可能“斜杆青年”:探索人生无限可能‘Slashers’ find joy and purpose in pursuing multiple lines of work   ……
(无限上网) device will be sold for 3750 or 4500 yuan, depending on themodel(机型). ……
“倒头栽”照片创意无限WHAT is the girl doing? She is taking pictures in the Puk Kai way. It means falling down (扑倒) in the street. Karren, 28, from Taiwan, and her friend Jinyu, 25, found Puk Kai way of taking ……