of the most popular star”.Bonus主角和配角男/女主角 leading actor / actress男/女配角 supporting actor ……
time. Be swept up in sth是指无缘无故被卷入某件事中,也就是常说的“躺着也中枪”。胡歌和王凯在《伪装者》中饰演一对好兄弟,两家的粉丝却在戏外因为华鼎奖混淆主角和配角掐了个昏天暗地。影视剧中主角是leading role,配角是supporting role,也可以用cameo,客串是guest player。临时演员是extra。 ……
是常说的“躺着也中枪”。胡歌和王凯在《伪装者》中饰演一对好兄弟,两家的粉丝却在戏外因华鼎奖混淆主角和配角掐了个昏天黑地。影视剧中的主角是leading role,配角是supporting role ……
and charming actor。Diplomatic强调有外交手腕, 而smooth着重性格温和。虽然在《史莱克》还仅是个出彩小配角,这只身穿斗篷、既威风又会卖萌、善于麻痹敌人的猫咪在新片中已然成了大出风头的头号主演。 ……
上周凭借电影《鸟人》(Birdman)斩获波士顿影评人协会最佳女配角奖。作为好莱坞大片炙手可热的玉女,她也在努力学会自我欣赏(appreciate oneself),相信自己是优秀的(worthy)、独一 ……
on.’”Now, five years later, the connection finally worked out. Cameo意为“小角色”。在影视剧中,主角是leading role,配角 ……
型/代表/缩影”,其名词形式是epitome。“黄金配角”吴孟达去世,曾为观众留下众多经典角色。Epitomize意为“为……的典型/代表/缩影”,其名词形式是epitome。“黄金配角”吴孟达去世,曾为观众留下众多经典角色。 ……
酸莓奖上,汤姆·汉克斯因为在电影《猫王》中“涂满乳胶的脸”和“可笑的口音”,获得“最差男配角”和“最差银幕搭档奖”。Raspberry意为“覆盆子、嘘声”,通常用blow a raspberry表示“喝倒彩”。在第43届金酸莓奖上,汤姆·汉克斯因为在电影《猫王》中“涂满乳胶的脸”和“可笑的口音”,获得“最差男配角”和“最差银幕搭档奖”。 ……
acted well. It seems that playing different supporting roles (配角) is her way of becoming a better.... It seems that playing different supporting roles (配角) is her way of becoming a better actress.Chen ……
演员阵容film star 电影明星leading role 主角supporting role 配角guest player 客串stuntman 特技替身演员extra 临时 ……
said.Minor role 是“小配角、小角色”。当年周星驰出道时表演的匪兵甲、路人乙,就是这样的 minor role。加索尔此次出演纯属玩票,还是为开拓其他事业? ……
more on acting. From supporting roles (配角) to heroes, Li kept improving his acting skills in lots ……
关系) and bad acting. She was named the “Worst Supporting Actress (配角)” and “Worst New Star ……
characters (主角). They’re “not invisible (不显眼的), not just the sidekick (配角),” Dias said.She has also started ……
牛骏峰不仅会演戏,还会唱京剧。Does Chinese actor Niu Junfeng look familiar (熟悉的) to you? The 26-year-old started acting at the age of 10. He mostly played supporting roles (配角) in the past. Now, Niu’s time to shine ……