are warning citizens abroad to raise their awareness of security risks.与“文明执法”相对的,“粗暴/暴力执法”则是 ……
钓鱼执法A fake university established as part of a sting operation to expose student visa *scams has... aliens for profit.“钓鱼执法”也可用entrapment operation表达,是指在掌握一定证据的同时,为了抓获已知犯罪嫌疑人,而通过诱惑的方式使其落网。 21st ……
美FBI宣布改组,重心转向反恐怖THE FBI announced plans last Wednesday to move hundreds of law enforcement (执法) officials from traditional crime-fighting (打击犯罪) to concentrate on anti-terrorism. The FBI ……
.Influence peddling指利用职权干扰正常执法或行政活动,台湾称为“关说”,大陆称“说情”。近义词组为traffic of influence,trading in influence以及 ……
. President Xi Jinping urged law enforcement (执法部门) to look into the case and punish (惩罚 ……
investigation.Profile作动词指“给……画侧面图、评论人物”。“种族脸谱化”,指执法机关在破案过程中更多地怀疑某一族群的作案嫌疑。 ……
包括嫌疑人及失踪儿童的体貌特征、汽车型号与车牌号、执法部门联系电话等要素。 ……
of using excessive force."BBC, UK, April 23 trouble-shooter: 解决麻烦问题的能手 using excessive force: 过度执法... enforcement: (法律并未宣告)实事上的执法权力,与之相反的是 de jure (法律授权的) heavy-handed: 手段强硬的So, what do these people really ……
sting operation “钓鱼”执法The trial of British businessman Christopher Tappin in the US has put the use... by sting operations.“钓鱼执法”在美国通常的版本是:联邦调查局的特工盯上潜在的“恐怖分子”后,就捏造身份接近他,为他提供武器炸药,帮着出谋划策计划犯罪,然后当场逮住。Sting在这 ……
等省份及新疆生产建设兵团县(市、区)整改完成率达到50%以上;北京、天津、山西等省份尚无全面完成整改的县(市、区)。教育部将继续会同市场监管等部门督促各地完善部门联合执法机制,加大跨部门联合执法力度,加快 ……
and network security and law enforcement (执法), were featured in applications from more than 60 colleges ……
米栏决赛冠军,成为全运会历史上第一位110米栏三连冠选手。这也是刘翔复出之后获得的首个冠军。因为本次“三连胜”的佳绩,刘翔再次成为媒体关注焦点。钓鱼执法:entrapment点评:英美法律中有一专门概念,即entrapment,指当事人原本没有违法意图,但在执法人员的引诱之下,做出了违法行为,这一概念与日前广受舆论关注的“钓鱼执法”一词意义相合,可以直接引为该词的翻译。背景:近日,上海城市交通执法 ……
ground意为“开辟新天地”,还可以替换为reach a new milestone,“达到新的里程碑”。法国人Frappart再次创造历史,成为首位执法...新的里程碑”。法国人Frappart再次创造历史,成为首位执法男子世界杯预选赛的女裁判。 ……
(渔业执法) station in Wuhan, was surprised to see a group of Yangtze finless porpoises in the Yangtze...; On March 23, Wang Mingwu, who works at a fishery law enforcement (渔业执法) station ……
In March, Wang Mingwu, who works at a fishery law enforcement (渔业执法) station in Wuhan... Mingwu, who works at a fishery law enforcement (渔业执法) station in Wuhan, was surprised to see a group ……