10月11日,北京市朝阳区第二期“外研课代表计划”启动仪式在朝阳区教育研究中心附属学校举行。朝阳区教育研究中心副主任陈洪、朝阳区英语教研员赵文娟、外研社副总 编辑王勇、外研社品牌管理部主任李鸿飞等出席活动。 2015年春天,“外研课代表计划”全国首站在北京市朝阳区顺利启动,来自朝阳区初中的近500名学生成为第一批 “种子”。赵文娟老师在仪式上回顾了“外研课代表计划”在朝阳区的发展历程,对计 ……
Liu Huining, 14A new term has begun. Last week I became the Englishdeputy(课代表). It's a big job for me. At first I didn't know what I should do besides taking students' homework. With the help of my ……
自荐当上课代表,然而一切并不是那么简单。I USED to be a shy girl. But this semester, I decided to do a brave thing. When our teacher asked for someone to be the physics monitor (物理课代表), I put up my hand and got the role ……
, protest or other trouble,即“谈论或者做容易引起分歧、反对意见或其它麻烦的事”。现学现用:朋友Mike跟身为课代表的你求情,想要明天再交作业。你答应了,但是 ……
如果你有烦恼和困惑要倾诉,或有人生感悟要与大家分享,请用简洁的英文写信给我们。这里有青少年心理咨询专家为你出谋划策。本周这位读者询问:我是班里的英语课代表,不按时完成作业的同学请求我不要把他们列入"黑名单"。若我手下留情,会遭到老师批评。请问我该怎么办?Dear editor,I am in charge of English study in my class. Every day ……
(课代表).One day in June, their geography teacher told the class that the Chinese Children ……
active3 girl. I like to sing and dance. I also like English. I want to be an English deputy (英语课代表 ……
Hi, I’m Mike. I work as a writer and editor for TEENS. I hope I can help you with your problems.老师给我施加压力,该怎么办?Dear Mike, I’m one of the English representatives (课代表) in our class. We are preparing ……
QDear Daniel,I’m one of the English representatives (课代表) in my class. We are preparing a performance for our English Festival, which is a yearly event. But there are not enough actors, so my teacher ……
, from their group leader to the class representative (课代表), and finally to the teacher. It might... their school work through different hands, from their group leader to the class representative (课代表 ……
representative (课代表), and finally to the teacher. It might not sound too difficult, but sometimes it can go... their group leader (组长) to the class representative (课代表), and finally to the teacher. It might ……
leaders should be good at study. Our P.E. class representative (课代表) is a boy. He is not good at study ……
Dear editor,我与Teens交朋友是从去年下半年开始的,当时我的英语水平并不好,在妈妈的建议下我订了Teens,一开始我认为它对我的英语没什么帮助,但第一份报纸到了我手里,我就喜欢上了它。每期报纸我都会认真看一遍并把它攒好;遇到不太懂的地方,我就问老师直到把它弄懂为止。现在我的英语水平比以前强多了,我还担任了班里的英语课代表,老师对我连连称赞。通过看报纸,我渐渐喜欢上了Your ……
it’s too busy and hard. I’m the art monitor (美术课代表) in class. I like thisjob. It’s very easy for me. I ……
monitor (英语课代表) in my class. But I didn’t finish my English homework on time sometimes. My teacher ……