们认为禁止公立幼儿园开设英语课后班,只会拉大教育差距。根据官方规定的课程安排,公立小学三年级才设置英语课。为了规范公立学校课程,避免正常教学进度被打乱,韩国教育部去年叫停了公立小学针对一二年级学生开设的英语课外辅导课。这项政策原本并未涉及幼儿园阶段的英语课。但是为了保持政策的一致性,政府又提出将幼儿园英语课外班也纳入禁止范围,但禁令尚未最终落地。 ……
美国小学生上什么课外班?What do you like to do for fun? In the United States, kids like to do all kinds of activities. Some like to play musical instruments (乐器) or play a sport like soccer or baseball. Some ……
澳洲小学生喜欢体育课外班Most kids in Australia have sports classes after school. I have boxing class and my classmates go to swimming or soccer classes. Boxing is one of my favorite sports. I’m learning ……
:Hi! I'm Liu Wenjie.I hope I don't need to do homework or haveextra classes(课外班). I want to play ……
, you don’t have to attend extra classes (上课外班). You should preview (预习), listen carefully in class ……
课外班和兴趣无法兼顾,怎么办?Q:Dear Mike,I want to get higher scores on my exams, so I take a lot of extracurricular (课外的) classes. But now, I have less time to spend on my hobbies. I’m not sure how to arrange (安排 ……
摘自: JUST ASK[MIKE FUKSMAN, 21世纪学生英文报·初一版]
activities. However, many of his classmates still attend extracurricular classes (课外班... extracurricular classes (课外班). “The extracurricular classes I take, like programming, are more for fun, so ……
的难句解析The survey found that kids who had over three hours of extra lessons got lower grades in exams.调查发现,那些上三小时以上课外班 ……
福建省厦门市思明区群惠小学 六(2)班 于子宸I have two extra classes (课外班) after school. One is English, the other is guzheng. But I like dancing and singing. I want to learn dancing and singing after school. 北京 ……
of interesting stories from my day at school. I have a lovely bedroom at home.下期讨论话题上课外班谁来决定?家长还是孩子呢? ……
谁来决定你的课外班?Parents should decide1.正方:珠海市香洲区景园小学袁源:There are many extra classes after school. I don’t know which one I should take. My parents pick the most suitable (最适合的) one for me.麦丁之:I think my ……
. On the weekends, we have to take part inextra classes(课外班). We have one big exam every month ……
should travel overseas at least once a year, but I beg to differ.【仿写】当谈到课外班的话题时,大多数人都认为上课外班很重要,但是 ……
; 课外班的核心是什么?课外班的核心是什么?By Kang Chensheng, 14Today, many parents push their children to join in various extracurricular (课外的) activities. Many of us learn things such as piano, basketball ……
差异性将导致教师很难设计同时适合所有年龄段学生的话题和课堂活动。近8成学生用于巩固课外班学习内容的时间不足,导致学习效率有限数据显示40.7%的家长表示会为孩子选择课外英语学习课程,而北上广深等一线城市这一数据高达81.9%。以北上广深四城市数据为例,小学一、二年级选择课外英语学习的学生中85.1%表示自己每周用于复习课外英语培训班学习内容的时间为1.5-2小时,13.6%的学生为2至3小时。而83.1%的家长表示其孩子用于复习课外班 ……