patent: 取得专利pluck: 拨弄(乐器)strum: 弹奏(弦乐器)tummy: 肚子 ……
. “X-rays are brass (铜管乐器), optical lights (可见光) are strings (弦乐器), and infrared data...), optical lights (可见光) are strings (弦乐器), and infrared data are in the woodwinds (木管乐器),&rdquo ……
小提琴手) of Junior strings (小学弦乐器组).Learn ittake care of...照顾,照料I have a pet rabbit. I take good care of her. (我有一只宠物兔。我把它照料得很好。)生词大本营instrument 乐器band 乐队 spare 空闲的生词大本营生词大本营生词大本营instrument 乐器band 乐队 spare ……
horn: 号string: 弦乐器suspicious: 可疑的 ……
are often played alongside drums and stringedinstruments(弦乐器). However, the two key elements of jazz ……
faded (消逝) until one night, while he was walking, the sound of sitar (一种弦乐器) music caught his ……
) faded until one night, while he was walking, the sound of sitar (一种弦乐器) music caught his attention ……
of sitar (一种弦乐器) music caught his attention. The man liked the music so much he went over ……
of classic pieces blew away the audience. 国家管弦乐团的经典曲目演出让观众感到震撼。英语词汇解析四级词汇solitary confinement 单独监禁六级词汇velvet 天鹅绒托福词汇cell 单身牢房housebreaking 侵入家宅罪, 盗取罪immerse 沉浸orphanage 孤儿院parole 有条件释放, 假释strum 通过拨弄弹奏弦乐器 ……
组曲(suite)是一种套曲形式的器乐曲或交响曲,即各自独立的不同乐曲的组合。小提琴(violin)是一切弓弦乐器(bowed stringed instruments)中流传最广的一种乐器,也是自17世纪以来西方音乐中最为重要的乐器...尔)的古提琴。小提琴包括琴身(body)、琴弦系统(strings)、琴弓(bow)和各种配件。小提琴共有四根弦,从细到粗依次是E弦、A弦、D弦、G弦。部分管弦乐器英文名称中提琴:viola大提 ……
and towels, to a small orchestra (管弦乐器) that would play music when flushed with water.Did you know... orchestra (管弦乐器) that would play music when flushed with water.Word buildingWord buildingharshadj. (天气 ……
19 on QQ Music. Zhao played the pipa, a traditional Chinese string instrument (弦乐器), in the music... 19 on QQ Music. Zhao played the pipa, a traditional Chinese string instrument (弦乐器), in the music ……
是指扮演戏剧角色的人。2.One who plays an instrument.演奏者:演奏乐器的人。3.Jinghu (a two-stringed bowed instrument with a high register).京胡,有两根弦,是一种拉弦乐器。4.Yueqin( a four-stringed plucked instrument with a full-moon-shaped sound ……
drum 小鼓solo独奏string弦steel钢string instrument弦乐器string quartet弦乐四重奏string trio弦乐三重奏symphony交响... strings.9.什么是管弦乐队? What is an orchestra? 10.我们喜欢中国民族乐器。 We like Chinese traditional instruments. 11.什么是外国民族乐器 ……
.例2原文:中国共有300多种乐器,它们分为四大类:弦乐器、弹拨乐器、打击乐器和管乐器。错误译文:There are altogether over 300 kinds of instruments... instruments, and wind instruments. 这里涉及到限制性定语从句与非限制性定语从句的区别,从原文中我们可以看出,分为四大类的是“300多种乐器”,并不是前面那句话,所以 ……