世界纪录爱吃汉堡的大胃王The US man Don Gorske likes eating Big Macs (巨无霸汉堡) a lot. In 39 years, he eats 25,000 Big Macs. ……
网购奇遇让英男子买到2米巨无霸拖鞋。SOMETIMES, when you buy a pair of shoes, one feels comfortable while the other doesn’t quite fit. Tom Boddingham certainly knows the feeling. The 27-year-old Englishman ordered ……
“巨无霸兽爪”拖鞋堪比小汽车。SOMETIMES, when you buy a pair of shoes, one feels comfortable while the other doesn’t quite fit. Tom Boddingham certainly knows the feeling. The 27-year-old Englishman ordered a pair ……
飞机界的“巨无霸”成功试飞飞机界的“巨无霸”成功试飞 Some airplanes carry people. Some airplanes carry things. Take a look at Roc from the US. It can carry satellites (卫星) up into the sky ……
香肠界的“巨无霸”香肠界的“巨无霸” KeywordsKeywordsGermanfestivalbeerangryladyGermanGermanfestivalfestivalbeerbeerangryangryladylady These people are eating a very big sausage (香肠). It’s 12.12 ……
空中的巨无霸The A380 is the largest airplane in the world. France’s Airbus SAS (空中客车) made the airplane. Airbus SAS is the world’s famous airplane maker. How big? 它有多大?The A380 is really big. It has ……
空中的巨无霸THE A380 is the largest airplane in the world. It was made by France’s Airbus SAS (空中客车). Airbus SAS is the world’s famous airplane maker. How big?它有多大?The A380 is really big. It has a wingspan ……
世界真奇妙世界真奇妙Big mouthBig mouth“巨无霸”大嘴巴“巨无霸”大嘴巴Meet Francisco. He lives in Africa (非洲). He has the widest mouth in the world. His mouth is 17 cm wide. He can put a 330-ml can (罐) of cola inside his ……
是选择饺子,还是选择"巨无霸"?看中西式快餐谁领风骚?Wang Yonghui (student): I like the children's series at McDonald's (麦当劳), because I can not only have my favourite food but I can also collect a series of toys ……
尝尝麦当劳,常常欢笑?LENG Xiwu, a senior engineer in Beijing, was surprised at McDonald's increasing its prices.The fast food company just raised the cost of its popularBig Mac(巨无霸) hamburger and other food ……
某个言论就像大厨做一道考究的菜品。而现如今,言论就像汉堡巨无霸,快速被炮制出来以应付亿万大众,但却对你有害无益。我们责怪别人,或是愤怒地推卸责任。互联网就像一个培养皿,言论就像细菌一样在里面滋生。言论从巨无霸...注意作者是如何运用比喻手法来表达讥讽的。在这里,比喻还起到了使文章连贯和推动论证的作用。文章开头部分说以前人们发表言论就像大厨做菜,而如今言论就像索然无味的汉堡巨无霸。在文章后半部又写道言论已经从汉堡巨无霸 ……
美国“大胃王”39年吃掉25000个汉堡,破吉尼斯世界纪录EATING 25,000 Big Macs (巨无霸汉堡)? Is it possible? An American man named Don Gorske says it is. On May 17 he ate his 25,000th Big Mac – 39 years to the day after eating his ……
带你认识美国下任总统的一家人、了解哆啦A梦口袋里的魔法工具、围观一口能吞下巨无霸汉堡的神人!最重要的是,我们还帮你回顾课堂上学过的英语语法知识。还等什么?赶快加入我们吧!B2Yang Zi likes singing ……
非洲霸气天团来袭Africa (非洲) is a great place for wildlife. But do you know the Big Five? They are the five most powerful and dangerous (危险的) animals in Africa. Are you ready to meet them?Elephant巨无霸:非洲象I am ……
非洲霸气天团来袭Africa (非洲) is a great place for wildlife. But do you know the Big Five? They are the five most powerful and dangerous (危险的) animals in Africa. Are you ready to meet them?Elephant巨无霸:非洲象I am ……