美国西部时间3月5日下午5点,第78届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼(the 78th Academy Awards Ceremony)在美国洛杉矶柯达剧院举行,各大奖项花落谁家的悬念一一揭开。李安凭借《断背山》(Brokeback Mountain)捧得最佳导演奖,而最佳影片的小金人则被影片《撞车》(Crash)收入囊中。本期让我们一起回顾奥斯卡 ……
gay romance)和西部史诗片(an epic Western),成为奥斯卡(The Academy Awards)夺奖呼声最高的电影。影片描写了两个美国西部年轻男子刻骨铭心的感情。怀俄 ……
李安:有梦想的人才能举起奥斯卡。ANG Lee won! Taiwan director (导演) Ang Lee got the Best Director at the 85th Academy Award (奥斯卡金像奖) for his movie Life of Pi. This was the second time he won this award.“Thank you ……
成龙获得奥斯卡终身成就奖。It’s about time! Chinese actor Jackie Chan, 62, has worked in the film industry for 56 years. And he is in more than 200 movies. On Nov 12, Chan received an honorary Oscar (奥斯卡 ……
奥斯卡最佳动画片:《勇敢传说》The story takes place in Scotland (苏格兰). Merida is a young princess. She is active...传说》), and you’ll find the answer. The film won an Oscar for Best Animated Feature (奥斯卡最佳动画长片奖) on Feb ……
奥斯卡影帝汤姆·汉克斯获电影学院终身成就奖HOLLYWOOD film star Tom Hanks was presented with the American Film Institute's Life Achievement Award on October 26. He is the 30th person to receive that honour.Hanks, 45, has ……
小李子终于捧得奥斯卡影帝!CONGRATULATIONS (恭喜), Leo! On Feb 28, US actor Leonardo DiCaprio, 41, finally got his Oscar. Over the past 22 years, DiCaprio had four other chances to get the Academy Award for Best ……
新晋奥斯卡影后的成名之路PAGE 8Actress Emma Stone risked it all to try her luck in Hollywood. Now the Oscar winner can say she’s made it. Miffy’s appeal米菲兔为什么风靡全球?What is it that makes this children’s character ……
“石头姐”成好莱坞收入最高女星。US actress Emma Stone, 28, became popular for her play in the romantic musical (爱情音乐剧) La La Land. The movie also helped her make a lot of money. The Oscar-winning (获得奥斯卡的) star ……
雅思还将与EIC启德教育集团共同投资组建“启德环球教育咨询公司”。内地香港影片联手出征奥斯卡继香港导演李安执导的影片《断背山》获得2006年奥斯卡最佳导演奖后,内地导演冯小刚与张艺谋执导的影片《夜宴》与《满城尽带黄金甲》将分别代表香港与内地角逐奥斯卡“最佳外语片”。其他国家角逐奥斯卡的影片包括韩国《王的男人》与墨西哥《潘恩的迷宫》等。据悉,奥斯卡主办方美国电影科学和艺术学院今年对奥斯卡 ……
摘自: 八面来风[21ST, 21世纪英语教育周刊]
一颗金子般的心。故事简介埃尔默给好朋友奥斯卡准备了个神秘的礼物,这神秘的礼物可没少制造麻烦。是什么礼物呢?奥斯卡喜欢吗?想知道怎么回事儿就快来看故事吧!Elmo has a present! What...对对碰埃尔默有个神秘的礼物!是什么?没人知道。他要把礼物拿去给好朋友奥斯卡。这礼物让人鼻子发痒。“阿—嚏!”埃尔默打了个大喷嚏。 衣服全被吹跑了。 伯特在摆货架上的罐头盒。摆得又高又整齐。“阿—嚏 ……
of the tunnel、every cloud has a silver lining。杨紫琼凭借《瞬息全宇宙》成为了奥斯卡成立95年来首位亚裔奥斯卡最佳女演员,她的... the light at the end of the tunnel、every cloud has a silver lining。杨紫琼凭借《瞬息全宇宙》成为了奥斯卡成立95年来首位亚裔奥斯卡最佳女演员,她的 ……
first children. Roberts went into hospital in late October. TheOscar(奥斯卡) winner's new films, "Ocean ……
近日,悬疑大片《达芬奇密码》(The Da Vinci Code)在全球热映,作为两届奥斯卡影帝的汤姆汉克斯(Tom Hanks)为该片提供了有力的票房保证。汤姆汉克斯作为首位连续有7部影...演员阿诺施瓦辛格(Arnold Schwarzenegger)于2001年在影片《终结者3》(Terminator 3)中扮演终结者的基本片酬为3000万美元。获奥斯卡提名最多的男演员(Most ……
staged by Huang — she didn’t even get an invitation to the Oscars.Eventful意为“多变故的”,黄圣依的奥斯卡之旅遭遇房间失窃、礼服 ……