你有心理压力吗?读读这本专门为你写的书吧。WE all have problems with parents, friends, clothes, and peer pressure (同龄人的压力). Hot Stones and Funny Bones (《青少年心理压力管理手册》) is a book that helps teens deal with these problems ……
克服心理压力,勇于战胜自我ONE in three middle school students in Beijing has too muchpressure(压力) put on them, says theInstitute of Psychology of Chinese Academy of Sciences(中国科学院心理所).The study of 2 million ……
huge mental pressure (心理压力), said oceanaut Fu Wentao. They have to stay in a tiny room...想当潜航员?身体、心理都要强。SPENDING four hours sailing on rough seas, completing tasks blindfolded (蒙着 ……
for preparations, the students themselves think that any delay will increase themental pressure(心理压力).Primary ……
seems that people are now paying more attention to the mental stress (心理压力) that some jobs can create ……
你的心理压力来自哪里?YU Jie, 17, has been suffering from insomnia (失眠) for a week. The Chengdu student... teenagers face today.Eight students from the psychology (心理学) department of Beijing Normal ……
pressure (心理压力). Emergencies in the ocean can drive most people crazy,” said Fu. In the end, 10... were chosen for knowledge exams, physical tests and psychological (心理的) tests. Only 20 candidates ……
考试当前,如何缓解心理压力?词数 295 建议阅读时间 5分钟 October is a big month for testing. The SAT was held on Oct 6 and the ACT will be held on Oct 27. Additionally, the PSAT (The Preliminary SAT), which can give you ……
is not unusual. Problems caused by psychological pressures (心理压力) have affected more and more middle school...你健康吗?你的心理健康吗?中学生心理健康问题不容忽视。Mao Ling, 21STDRESSED in her light-blue school uniform (校服), Yang Shasha ……
做不仅会损伤A层学生,也就是所谓“差生”的学习积极性,也会给中等生和尖子生造成沉重的心理压力,不利于学生的健康成长。笔者认为,英语分层教学的出发点是好的,是为了使尖子生更加优秀,中等生稳步提高,“差生”摆脱落后。为此...生正处于青春期,是最敏感、自尊心最强、最渴望被同伴和老师家长认可的时期,同时也是最脆弱、最叛逆的时期。在“你是差生”或者“你是中等学生”这样的心理压力下。这种日复一日的负面心理暗示又会产生怎样的后果呢?他们 ……
pressure(同辈人之间的)趋同心理压力,攀比心理压力It's important to teach teenagers that they shouldn't bow down to peer pressure.让青少年学会不要向趋同和攀比心理屈服是很重要的。instant hero 一举成名的人Obama became a sort of instant hero to many during ……
their mental healthTikTok limits the use of beauty filters by users under 18 to protect their mental health为避免青少年心理压力,TikTok将禁用部分美颜滤镜为避免青少年心理压力,TikTok将禁用部分美颜滤镜词数 374 测试见IV版 建议阅读时间 7分钟 词数 374 测试见IV版 建议阅读时间 7 ……
resulted from an anecdote from a man taking part in a stress management workshop. P7 (这项研究一部分是源于某人参加心理压力 ……
不充足等问题,其身体负担和心理压力都不断加大,“上火”问题也随之越来越严重,并且成为影响其生活质量的主要因素。时下,随着生活“不上火”理念的深入推广,一个新鲜名词——“无火族”诞生。据悉,“无火族”创下...该改变现有的电视剧买卖方式,真正做到优质优价,劣质低价。无火族:the pressure-frees点评:“上火”是中医理论中的一个名词。在生活中,这种“火”多由压力所致。因此,“无火族”应指没有压力、轻松 ……
中学的学生受整个英语学习环境的影响,英语读写能力提高缓慢。在实际教学中,职业中学学生英语的基础比统计的情况更严峻,他们在简单的音标、语法、时态等方面都错误连篇。2. 心理压力造成职业中学生对学习英语失去信心由于学生英语基础薄弱,造成对英语学习产生惧怕心理,由于对学习英语的惧怕,造成学生对英语学习背负沉重的心理压力,使他们对英语学习失去信心;枯燥、繁多的单词、语法、时态变化使学生无法跟上英语教学的进度,学生 ……