本版文字和图片由外语教学与研究出版社提供本期Teens继续连载英文版《花木兰》。快来参加我们的有奖问答吧!每期将有五位幸运读者赢得外研社“书虫”系列图书!请将答案发至wanglin...宁 初一(5)班 万梦成 辽宁省鞍山市华育外国语学校 初一(16)班 李泓奇欣 初一(1)班 徐浩瀚 浙江省嘉善县第一中学初二(7)班 范晓昀《花木兰》选自外研社出版的“牛津书虫美绘光盘版”双语读物系列,分 ……
本版文字和图片由外语教学与研究出版社提供本期Teens继续连载英文版《花木兰》。快来参加我们的有奖问答吧!每期将有若干幸运读者赢得外研社“书虫”系列图书!请将答案发至wanglin...案: She meets Ye Ming and his army on her way.获奖名单:广东省深圳市南山区育才三中初一(12)班 刘子聪 上海市莘光学校六年级(2)班 徐柳一《花木兰》选自 ……
DISNEYDISNEY刘亦菲:如何成为花木兰刘亦菲:如何成为花木兰People say that in the new Disney movie Mulan, Liu Yifei has turned from a “fairy sister” into a warrior. How did she do it? People say ……
谁将出演迪士尼真人版花木兰?Disney has conducted a global search to find the best actress to star in its first live-action Mulan movie. Who was their final choice? Read inside to find out. ……
唐季礼筹拍《花木兰》英文版HONG Kong director Stanley Tang revealed that he will work on an English film called "Mulan" (《木兰》). He told of his plans at the Shanghai International Film Festival last Wednesday.He ……
《花木兰》引发文化争议PAGE 2Hollywood is making another Mulan movie. But the public were angry when they heard that a Western man, not Mulan, would be the hero.Sense of smell人体散发的气味充满奥秘What someone smells like ……
. Krystal Lin, a Twitter user.“《花木兰》并不是一个女孩等待拯救的爱情故事。这个故事的主角是木兰,主题是她如何拯救自己的父亲,是关于家庭和荣誉。”——推特用户Krystal Lin迪士尼将开拍真人版《花木兰》的消息一石激起千层浪。就在网友们纷纷推荐自己心目中合适的女主角人选时,却传出故事情节改成了白人男主英雄救美的消息。巾帼英雄沦为配角,这样 ……
刘亦菲版“花木兰”亮相 !Months ago, movie fans were excited to learn that Disney would shoot a live-action Mulan film. Chinese actress Liu Yifei plays the film’s lead role. She stood out from nearly 1,000 girls ……
DISNEYDISNEY真人版《花木兰》北美线上发行。真人版《花木兰》北美线上发行。 Many people have been waiting a long time for Mulan to come out. Now it’s finally happening (发生). The Disney ……
花木兰从本期开始Teens将连载英文版《花木兰》。参加我们的有奖问答,每期将有五位幸运读者有机会赢得外研社“书虫”系列图书!请将答案发至wanglin@21stcentury.com.cn。本期... (勇敢的) daughter. You can join the army and save our family name."(未完待续)《花木兰》选自外研社出版的“牛津书虫美绘光盘”双语读物系列,分 ……
摘自: Mulan[21ST, 21世纪学生英文报·初一版]
花木兰本版文字和图片由外语教学与研究出版社提供本期Teens继续连载英文版《花木兰》。快来参加我们的有奖问答吧!每期将有五位幸运读者赢得外研社“书虫”系列图书!请将答案发至wanglin..., fairy, bear, hair, Clare, everywhere.获奖名单:辽宁省大连市第九中学 柳新源396期答案: 1. T. 2. F. 3. T获奖名单:河北省廊坊市第四中学 胡睿宁《花木兰 ……
摘自: Mulan[21ST, 21世纪学生英文报·初一版]
made her own version. Upgraded version是升级版。两大当红女星争相演绎奇女子花木兰,你会喜欢哪一版? ……
was originally a kind of art that allows *parody. In the hot seat与“如坐针毡”类似,指“处于巨大压力中、处境艰难”。“花木兰”事件 ……
刘亦菲将出演迪士尼真人版花木兰We are very familiar with the story of Mulan. It tells us about a girl named Hua Mulan. She dressed up like a man to take her father’s place in the army (替父从军). Now Disney will make ……
刘亦菲将出演真人版《花木兰》。The story of Hua Mulan is well-known in China. The brave female warrior (战士) dresses up like a man to take her father’s place in the army. Now, Chinese actress Liu Yifei will star ……