Murray-Darling (默累河), Australia Ganges (恒河), Asia Indus (印度河), Asia Danube (多瑙河), Europe La Plata (拉普...), Asia Indus (印度河), Asia Danube (多瑙河), Europe La Plata (拉普拉塔河), South America Rio Grande (格兰 ……
(新年音乐会) here.River and forestsVienna is like a pearl on the Danube River (多瑙河). Danube is a long ……
’s National Portrait Gallery.The Danube (多瑙河)The blue Danube threads its way through four capitals (Austria ……
走进“双子之城”布达佩斯。IT is a city of fine cuisine (菜肴), hot springs, grand architecture and, most famously, the Danube (多瑙河), “whose gentle waves”, wrote the great Hungarian (匈牙利的) poet Attila József ……
激动的) view of the city and the Danube (多瑙河). As one of the earliest Ferris wheels, it was built in 1897... of the city and the Danube (多瑙河). As one of the earliest Ferris wheels, it was built in 1897 ……
a nice, quiet commercial town, founded by the Romans, along the river Danube (多瑙河). It became famous ……
by the beautiful Danube River (多瑙河). As the capital of Austria, Vienna was nicknamed “the city of music ……
the famous music of its waltz (华尔兹) king, Johann Strauss.The Blue Danube Waltz (《蓝色多瑙河》), along ……
拉塔河), South AmericaYangtze River (长江), AsiaGanges (恒河), AsiaIndus (印度河), AsiaDanube (多瑙河), EuropeRio ……
, Budapest. People call it the “Pearl of the Danube (多瑙河)”. Budapest was once made up of two separate ……
;),共同培育市场需求。习主席强调,经济全球化是历史潮流(the trend of history)。长江、尼罗河、亚马逊河、多瑙河昼夜不息、奔腾向前,尽管会遇到许多险滩暗礁,但大江大河奔腾向前的势头,这是...全球化是历史潮流(the trend of history)。长江、尼罗河、亚马逊河、多瑙河昼夜不息、奔腾向前,尽管会遇到许多险滩暗礁,但大江大河奔腾向前的势头,这是谁也阻挡不了的。习主席还提到,中国 ……
of the Danube (多瑙河)”. Straddling (横跨) the wide river, Budapest is the result of an 1873 merger (合并 ……
, which is dubbed (称作) “the pearl of the Danube (多瑙河)”. Straddling (横跨) the wide river, Budapest ……
to the 18th century. Or you can take a trip on the Danube (多瑙河), the second longest river in Europe ……
to the 18th century. Or you can choose to take a trip to the Danube (多瑙河), the second longest river ……