every day from the age of 65.HK's new leader曾荫权:推销员出身的香港特首DONALD Tsang(曾荫权) becomes Hong Kong's new ……
China.香港特首chief executive of Hong Kong SARINCUMBENT Donald Tsang Yam Kuen won more than 80 percent ……
Q:Dear editor:第177期2版介绍香港特首曾荫权的文章我非常喜欢,但是有一句话我不是很明白:But now Donald Tsang is at the top of the pile...力的顶峰",形容最有权势的人 (the most powerful person)。联系上下文理解就是:曾荫权曾经做过推销员,但现在成了一个特首(最有权势的人)。EditorEditor ……
Vocabulary香港特别行政区: Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR)香港特首: chief executive of HKSAR大陆... administering Hong Kong高度自治:a high degree of autonomy基本法: Basic Law紫荊花: bauhinia中国人民解放军驻香港部队:People ……
从推销员到香港特首:自强不息的曾荫权成为香港人的骄傲。 HE comes from ahumble(卑微的) background. He used to be a junior salesman...-old Tsang was appointed as the Chief Executive of theHong Kong Special Administrative Region(香港特 ……
曾荫权:从推销员到香港特首的传奇人生。词数 240 建议阅读时间 7分钟HE comes from a simple background. He used to be a salesman... Executive(CE, 执行长官) of theHong Kong Special Administrative Region(HKSAR, 香港特别行政区) for the second time.Tsang ……