片票房冲破1亿美元大关的好莱坞演员(Actor with Most Consecutive US$100 Million-Grossing Movies),他创下的佳绩已于近日被正式载入《吉尼斯... Can),由汤姆汉克斯演出的十几部作品都可谓脍炙人口。家喻户晓的《吉尼斯世界记录大全》是一部记录“世界之最”的书籍。它以猎奇(seek novelty)取胜,十分迎合西方读者的口味。国外 ……
近日,吉尼斯世界纪录公司发表声明,宣布麦克米伦亚洲公司为《吉尼斯世界纪录大全》的销售代理商,全权负责该书在部分亚洲国家和地区的销售事宜。具体包括中国大陆、日本、韩国、蒙古、菲律宾、泰国、越南、柬埔寨、老挝、缅甸、中国香港和中国台湾。今后,在上述国家和地区有关该书的销售、营销以及发行业务将由麦克米伦亚洲公司香港总部受理,而在这些地区销售的《吉尼斯世界纪录大全》则全 ……
Artist carries eggs 了不起的“顶蛋大师”。GREGORY da Silva is an artist from Africa. People call him Egg Man. He carries (携带) eggs on his hat. ……
Loudest dog bark嗓门超大的狗狗。CHARLIE is an 8-year-old golden retriever (金毛犬) living in Australia. He holds the world record for the loudest bark at 113. 1 decibels (分贝). ……
Widest tongues世界上最宽的舌头。Byron Scholenker, 47, from New York has the widest tongue in the world. His tongue is 8. 6cm wide. ……
PHOTOS BY TIAN JING 你会用鼻子转篮球吗?SCOOTER Christensen is an American basketball player. He can spin (旋转) a basketball on his nose. He can do it for 7. ……
Longest yarn suit这位大叔爱编织。THIS man is Edward Peter Hannaford. He is from the UK. He loves knitting (编织). ……
Most twisted face猜猜我是谁? TANG Shuquan is a 47-year-old Chinese man. He won a Guinness World Record for his special talent. Tang can make the most twisted face (扭曲的脸) in the world. ……
Most straws in mouth他喜欢一次用很多吸管!WE usually use one straw (吸管) at a time while drinking. But Simon Elmore from the UK wants more. He can hold 400 straws in his mouth for 10 seconds. ……
World’s longest nose世界上最长的鼻子。 HOW big of a nose is too big? Mehmet Ozyurek from Turkey has the longest nose in the world. It is 8. 8cm long, from the bridge (鼻梁) to the tip (鼻尖). ……
坐飞机次数最多的猫咪!This cat’s name is Smarty. 她的主人在埃及和塞浦路斯都有家。 Over 16 years, she has made 80 flights (飞行) with her owner between two homes. Her round-trip ticket (往返票) costs $150. ……
玩魔方最快的机器人Rubot II is a very smart (聪明的) robot. He is good at playing the Rubik’s Cube (魔方). He can solve (解开) a Rubik’s Cube in 18. ……
Largest mouthFrancisco Domingo Joaquim is an Angolan (安哥拉人). He has a really big mouth. It is about 17 cm wide (宽). ……
Longest noseMehmet Ozyurek lives in Turkey (土耳其). He has the longest nose in the world. It’s 8. ……
Largest shoeWhat a big shoe! It’s 5. 5 meters long, 2. 11 meters wide and 2. ……