高考词汇 rebel n. 反叛者,起义者The rebels took over the capital and set up a new government. ……
反叛者的《饥饿游戏》。IN the future, North America has been broken into 13 districts (地区), and is ruled....In the new film, Katniss finds herself being rescued by a group of rebels (反叛者). Having twice ……
concert. “That’s my dream.”Rebellious adj. 反叛的,反抗的。徐良的歌曲道出了很多90后的心里话。在他的很多歌曲中,粉丝们找到了那种希望打破常规、为实 ……
被打上烙印的小牛”,引申为“我行我素的”;rebellious意思为“反叛或叛逆的”;而erratic表示“不按常理出牌或者不按照通常模式行事”。库彻本次出演苹果创始人乔布斯从年轻的放荡不羁到最后成为尖端科技先锋的故事。 ……
losses for killing their infected flocks. P4 (政府正在考虑帮助补偿亚洲农民由于宰杀受感染禽类所蒙受的经济损失。)4. outlaw: n. 反叛者,逃犯... for more than 85 years? P8 (这个小说中戴着黑色面罩的反叛者是如何能在超过85年的时间里吸引观众涌向电影院的呢?)5. precursor: n. 前身,雏型,先驱,常用 ……
to be a symbol of darkness and rebellion (反叛). It is especially popular among heavy metal bands (重金... to be a symbol of darkness and rebellion (反叛). It is especially popular among heavy metal bands (重金 ……
on its vivid story full of rebellion (反叛), helplessness and hope.Dead Poets Society (《死亡诗社》) is one... discover the essence (精髓) of education through our reflection on its vivid story full of rebellion (反叛 ……
身为女孩我却一直很"叛逆":我玩着男孩都不敢尝试的运动I am a girl, but I was born to be a rebel (反叛者). I like games which can be dangerous (危险的). Some of the sports I like boys won't play!Wrestling (摔交) is usually seen ……
."------------------------------------------------guerrilla: 游击队员hostage: 人质kidnap: 绑架,劫持rebel: 反叛者,造反者 ……
"rebellious(反叛的)" ideas. I play his mother, then in her 30s, who is trying to protect her son.As a first ……
not to be ableC. his not being ableD. him to be not abKey DC进阶词汇rebellionn. 叛逆,反叛weirdadj. 奇怪的cherishv. 珍惜sneak ……
本月主题:娱乐明星,体育明星常常吸引大众的眼球,他们各自都有些什么特点?有哪些好词好句可以描述人物的特点呢?1. be exactly like 恰恰就像,正如2. rebellious adj. 叛逆的,反叛的3. stick to v. 坚持4. modest adj. 谦虚的5. shed sweat and tears 流汗,流泪6. get sb down v. 使沮丧,使灰心1 ……
50年前,杰克凯鲁亚克写下了经典著作《在路上》,他笔下的人物,直接被人们定义为“垮掉的一代”的典型代表。50年后,《在路上》引发的精神力量,让年老的一代怀念当初的激情,让正处盛年的中坚一代艳羡那一份自由的刺激,让精力旺盛的年轻一代在现代的物质社会中体验与父辈共通的那种反叛与迷惘。上海译文出版社现举办“我在路上的故事”主题征文活动,与喜爱该书的读者共享阅读感受。征文要求1.活动参与对象不限,文章 ……
反叛的兔子 故事简介兔子杰克喜欢特立独行,标新立异,做任何事情都喜欢反着来。他在早上问候“晚安”,还把毛衣翻过来穿,那他是怎么拼写名字的呢?Tibbar Jack is a funny rabbit. “Good night!” He sings every morning. He pours (倒) his juice into his bowl. He puts cornflakes1 ……
反叛的兔子故事简介兔子杰克喜欢特立独行,标新立异,做任何事情都喜欢反着来。他在早上问候“晚安”,还把毛衣翻过来穿。那他怎么拼写自己的名字呢?Tibbar Jack is a funny rabbit. “Good night!” He sings every morning. He pours (倒) his juice into his bowl. He puts cornflakes1 ……