the wrong-way rabbit 包含1164个检索结果
smart.Inside out and upside down (上下颠倒地), Jack is a wrong-way rabbit. Spell his name backwards (反向地). He...反叛的兔子 故事简介兔子杰克喜欢特立独行,标新立异,做任何事情都喜欢反着来。他在早上问候“晚安”,还把毛衣翻过来穿,那他是怎么拼写名字的呢?Tibbar Jack is a funny rabbit ……
smart.Inside out and upside down (上下颠倒), Jack is a wrong-way rabbit. Spell his name backwards (反向...反叛的兔子故事简介兔子杰克喜欢特立独行,标新立异,做任何事情都喜欢反着来。他在早上问候“晚安”,还把毛衣翻过来穿。那他怎么拼写自己的名字呢?Tibbar Jack is a funny rabbit ……
Help the rabbit find the way out! ……
Longest rabbit earsNipper is a rabbit. He has very long ears. His ears are 79cm long. They are the longest rabbit ears in the world! …… 2009年04月13日
Please help the little rabbit get his football. ……
squirrelbearmouseowl rabbit fox ……
WHAT is this year’s fashion (时装)? Look at the rabbit in the picture. She is in a Rabbit Fashion Show in Japan. The rabbit is in a plaid (格子) skirt and white shirt. She even has a plaid hat on! Isn …… 2008年12月07日
Key:basket, color, rabbit, hop (单脚跳), hunt (寻找), chocolate ……
Could you please help the little rabbit get his football? ……
Look at this chair. Is it like a rabbit? It has two long ears. Its toes (脚趾) are like rabbit’s too. When you sit on it, please be nice. ……
Rabbit (L) : With these cool bicycles, winning the match will just be a piece of cake!Rabbit (R) : Wow! The tortoise is driving a car!(from Jessie)(from Jessie)Rabbit (L) : Rabbits go hunting when ……
A rabbit is sitting outside his cave1. It keeps writing things on a notebook. A fox walks by.Fox: What are you working on?Rabbit: I’m working on my new book. It’s about how rabbits eat foxes.Fox ……
妈妈,生日快乐! Little Rabbit: Little Cat, today is Mom’s birthday. What should I give her?Little Cat: Give her a big fish! Little Dog: A bone1!Little Frog: A fly (苍蝇)!Little Rabbit: They are not good gifts ……
gifts for my mom!On his way back, Little Rabbit meets a fox. Little Fox: Do you want to play with me...妈妈,生日快乐!Today is Mom’s birthday. Little Rabbit is going to give her a present. He asks his friends ……
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