”。与之相对应的则是lip-synching,“对口型、假唱”。 ……
, have strengthened safety measures.Lip-synch假唱PROFESSIONAL performers who cheat their audiences (观众 ……
. But the music suddenly stopped and the 25-year-old actress was found to be lip-synching (假唱). Now some ……
she is aware of her disadvantages and will work harder to be a better singer.Lip sync意思是“假唱”,即pretend ……
loose.Dance up a storm意为“舞姿翩翩”, up a storm还可以和talk连用,意为“侃侃而谈”。布兰妮麦克风飞脱,假唱暴露,仍淡定表演,果然是见惯了大场面。 ……
that Spears was “extremely upset” by the criticism.Lip-synch 就是歌迷们痛恨的假唱、对口型。小甜甜因为歌迷的中途离场而伤心不已,可她却不知道歌迷花那么多钱去听她对口型假唱 ……
that Spears was “extremely upset” by the criticism.Lip-synch 就是歌迷们痛恨的假唱、对口型。小甜甜因为歌迷的中途离场而伤心不已,可她却不知道歌迷花那么多钱去听她对口型假唱 ……
the concert, Spears lip-synched (对口型假唱), causing some Australian fans to storm out. They had paid US...甜因为歌迷的中途离场而伤心不已,可她却不知道歌迷花那么多钱去听她假唱,那才叫真正的心碎啊。CooperateCHINESE basketball center Mengke Bateer (巴特尔) is busy dubbing ……
-syncing (假唱) and self-assured enough to sing live. It's also reported that she will appear dressed as an...王菲复出歌坛,拒接假唱,令人期待和佩服!Liu's hard winterSINCE he has just started an intensive (密集的) training program, Liu ……
要点提示内容:评论名人撒谎造假事件新闻:美国职业自行车手兰斯·阿姆斯特朗首次公开承认使用禁药;美国流行天后碧昂丝被指在奥巴马就职典礼上对口型假唱国歌《星条旗永不落》。文化:体育圈“兴奋剂”之殇;歌手假唱...一片好评,但很快被质疑是假唱。给碧昂丝伴奏的美国海军陆战队军乐团一名发言人22日对《纽约时报》、CNN等媒体证实了假唱消息,但之后该乐队另一名发言人却改口称无法判断。碧昂斯本人并没有做出回应。由于“假唱消息”并没 ……
possible lip-synching五月天陷争议,到底什么是“假唱”?五月天陷争议,到底什么是“假唱”?Recently, the rock band, Mayday, has been caught up in some controversy (争议). People have been talking about whether Mayday was lip-synching (假唱 ……
.But in 1992, he was caught lip-syncing (假唱) during a concert broadcast by the BBC.The public began ……
.The 25-year-old singer was caught lip-synching (假唱). But her dress and appearance were even worse ……
comic skit: 小品cross-talk: 相声medley: 联唱grand finale: 压轴戏lip-synch: 假唱Expressions to say that you don't like a show:1. snoozer [] 让人恹恹欲睡的节目Last year's show was such a snoozer. I hope this year's gala ……
假唱 lip-synchPROFESSIONAL performers who cheat their audiences by lip-synching or pretending to play their instruments at “live” shows are likely to face penalties beginning next year, said a new ……