. Look at the whole person, inside and outside for that special quality."如果你总是在评判别人,你就不会懂得爱。 "— 德兰修女(诺贝 ……
公演nun: 修女part: 角色sneer at: 嘲笑 ……
) often inspire others to give as well. Such as what we see in Mother Teresa, a Catholic nun (修女... to give as well. Such as what we see in Mother Teresa, a Catholic nun (修女) and Nobel Laureate who ……
, Rosetta, Rock! Roll, Rosetta, Roll!Rock, Rosetta, Rock! Roll, Rosetta, Roll!Sister Rosetta Tharpe (罗塞塔•塔普修女... Dylan.Sister Rosetta Tharpe (罗塞塔•塔普修女) was interested in music when she was a little girl. With a big ……
in Austria as the World War II draws close.A free-spiritednun(修女) named Maria becomes thegoverness(家庭 ……
是一种糕点的名称,religieuse在法语中是修女的意思Bonus pointswash down: 用饮料将吃的食物送下The best way to wash down these sticky ……
grows up in an orphanage (孤儿院), where a nun (修女) believes he’s destined (注定的) for great things ……
lit in my life continues to shine."3Key wordsnun n. 修女(women living in a convent, usually after ……
sister,那就显得太滑稽了。不过,英美人倒是常常称修女为sister,如“玛丽修女”就称为Sister Mary。另外,汉语里常称已婚年轻女子为“嫂子”“大嫂”,这样的称呼不能直译为sister ……
will work on automobiles in an industry dominated by men. PROVIDED TO TEENS“汽修女孩”古慧晶:打破职业和性别偏见。词数 439 测试见IV版 建议阅读时间 7分钟“汽修女孩”古慧晶:打破职业和性别偏见。词数 439 测试 ……
.---------------------------------------goddam: 诅咒用语nun: 修女phony: 虚伪的人prestigious: 有名望的prostitute: 妓女rye: 黑麦 ……
社人物传记丛书”推出第二辑上海外语教育出版社于近期推出了英汉对照版“外教社人物传记丛书(第二辑)”,共13册,涉及的历史人物包括诺贝尔和平奖获得者德兰修女、曼德拉,政坛风云人物拿破仑、丘吉尔,文学巨匠马克吐温、简奥 ……
摘自: 八面来风[21ST, 21世纪英语教育周刊]
you for correcting me, Sister (修女)!”One Friday, I asked each student to list the names of the other ……
and courageous.I came as the character Miss Clavel, which meant I dressed in a nun’s (修女的) habit (长袍 ……
其中三个有代表性的句子一一呈现。“Love until it hurts”意思是“爱,直到受伤”。 这句话出自已故诺贝尔和平奖获得者特里萨修女之口,她曾是世界敬重的天主教慈善工作者,主要替印度加尔各答的穷人服务,并于1979年获...班集体在组建不久就遇到了信任危机,甚至有学生抱怨新的集体如“一盘散沙”。于是就想到了这句话,“爱,直到受伤”,并给他们介绍了特里萨修女的种种善举。有缘才能相聚,从四面八方汇聚到一起组成一个新的集体,首先 ……