THE number of vegetarians (素食者), or people who don’t eat any meat, keeps increasing in the US. Take a look at the chart below. ……
of KFC, too. But Mills doesn’t eat chicken. She is a vegetarian (素食者). ……
素食者如何吃得有营养?You may think that people who do not eat meat may not get enough vitamins and minerals (矿物质). In fact, they can get them from other foods, including vegetables, beans, rice and more. Let ……
and “going veggie (素食者)” in Britain every week. There’s even a National Vegetarian Week organized every year to encourage people to try a meat-free (无肉的) lifestyle. l Vegetarians and vegans 素食者与严格的素食 ……
这个13岁小厨师做的饭好特别啊!课件及教案见网站 MANY US students want to be doctors or lawyers (律师) when they grow up. But Kelsey O’Callaghan, 13, wants to be a vegetarian (素食者) chef. O’Callaghan doesn’t eat anything from ……
. There is nothing but the name “Tom” on the envelope (信封). Pizza delivery boyTom is a veggie (素食者 ……
delivery boyTom is a veggie (素食者). But the boy delivers a bacon (培根) pizza. Plumber He is an old man. He ……
that the number of vegans (严格的素食者) in Britain has quadrupled (翻四倍) since 2014. They also predict that by 2025, a quarter of the UK population will be vegan or vegetarian (素食者) and half will be &ldquo ……
in the world, calculated that the number of vegans (严格的素食者) in Britain has quadrupled (翻四倍) since 2014. They also predict that by 2025, a quarter of the UK population will be vegan or vegetarian (素食者 ……
素食主义是一种生活方式,实践这种生活方式的人称为素食主义者。一般的素食主义者不吃肉食,如:家畜、野兽、飞禽、海鲜等,有些素食者更加严格,不仅不吃肉食,连蛋、奶、黄油、奶酪也绝不吃。他们为什么会选择素食...; vegetarian 素食主义者; vegan 严格的素食者1. Some vegetarians mainly eat  ……
and people who are pescatarians (可以吃海鲜的素食者), vegetarians and vegans. The researchers followed... and people who are pescatarians (可以吃海鲜的素食者), vegetarians and vegans. The researchers followed ……
on to writing longer stories.Han often writes about sad things in the world. In her book The Vegetarian (《素食者... things in the world. In her book The Vegetarian (《素食者》), she tells a story about a woman. The woman has ……
— they are known asvegetarians(素食者). In the US alone there are 12 million vegetarians and 19,000 more people...萝卜青菜各有所爱——素食主义者的幸福生活。Most Chinese people don't understand why some westerners don't eat meat ……
.---------------------------------------veggie=vegetarian: 素食者 ……
,肉食鸟stubby: 短而粗硬的vegetarian: 素食者,食草动物 ……