— they are known asvegetarians(素食者). In the US alone there are 12 million vegetarians and 19,000 more people...萝卜青菜各有所爱——素食主义者的幸福生活。Most Chinese people don't understand why some westerners don't eat meat ……
.---------------------------------------veggie=vegetarian: 素食者 ……
,肉食鸟stubby: 短而粗硬的vegetarian: 素食者,食草动物 ……
desserts.Vegetarians(素食者) will be happy with the wide variety of choices, while others will find it hard ……
or fish) 素食者 adj. 素食的;比较:vegan: a vegetarian who eats only plant products 严格的素食主义者3. sushi: n. Japanese ……